Aldo's latest activity

  • Aldo
    Aldo reacted to Wolfie's post in the thread POST GAME [Round 9, 2024] Broncos vs Roosters with Like Like.
    I think Payne always plays soft. He's a supreme athlete who just makes ground and does it well, and his ball playing is getting pretty good. If he had the physicality Willison does he would be a lot more destructive. Thats what frustrates me about a bloke his size.
  • Aldo
    Apart from the obvious tonight, I thought Payne played a bit soft. I don't know what his stats were but just a couple of his efforts were soft when we needed him to step up. I think he knew it too as he looked pretty frustrated at one point with himself. On the flipside, I thought Baker was great. Again, I don't know what his stats were but he looked liked he was bending the line every run, got his front well and popped a nice pass. Also, I thought Piakura looked dangerous everytime he got...
  • Aldo
    Aldo reacted to BroncosFever's post in the thread NEWS Reynolds out for about 12 Weeks with Like Like.
    Souths fans will be there with their 3 teeth saying "yeah, I told you boys, we made the right call". It's hard to argue purely if we're talking about the injuries he has had, the experience he's given the team has been invaluable though.
  • Aldo
    Aldo reacted to Nerd's post in the thread POST GAME [Round 9, 2024] Broncos vs Roosters with Like Like.
    What a disaster. Possibly Reece Walsh's worst game of the season. What's the go with game and now season ending injury to our backs when playing the top teams? Klown managed the game great for the Chooks. First half 3 late passes during a tackle from the Chooks all good play on. Second half late pass from Haas is ruled held called... First half we were put on our backs multiple times during a tackle all good. Second half for the first time in the game we get Tedesco on his back instant...
  • Aldo
    Aldo reacted to Waynesaurus's post in the thread POST GAME [Round 9, 2024] Broncos vs Roosters with Like Like.
    Klown was his usual incompetent self, didn't police the ruck, didn't police the 10m and just guessed at everything else.

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