Allo's latest activity

  • Allo
    Allo reacted to Jazza's post in the thread CROSS FORUM NRL Round 9 Discussion with Like Like.
    I saw Harry Grant hit his head pretty hard on someone’s elbow earlier. Where was the independent doctor there? Seemed worse than Mam’s
  • Allo
    Allo reacted to BroncsFan's post in the thread Q-CUP 2024 Queensland Cup Discussion with Like Like.
    Bombing a certain try only to turn it into a 7 tackle set against... he'll fit right in at the broncos
  • Allo
    Allo replied to the thread CROSS FORUM NRL Round 9 Discussion.
    Well they sometimes do lol
  • Allo
    Allo replied to the thread CROSS FORUM NRL Round 9 Discussion.
    Teams like the Titans and Warriors of years gone by weirdly seem to have the Storm's number a lot of the time
  • Allo
    Allo reacted to Fitzy's post in the thread NEWS Reynolds out for about 12 Weeks with Like Like.
    I actually think long term this is great for us. Better learning it now than later. If he shits the bed we can go to market for a better half. At current outlook Reyno is back before finals and Jock has a shitload of consistent footy to play where realistically he should be winning a lot of games. The confidence will increase big time. Good luck to him, I enjoy the challenge, premierships are not and should not be easy to come by, if we can do it this year with all the adversity I will be...

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