broncos4life's latest activity

  • broncos4life
    broncos4life replied to the thread 2024 NRL General Discussion Thread.
    It’s my favourite person in the media bar none. Smart, considered and so much better cognitively than any of them.
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life reacted to Super Freak's post in the thread 2024 NRL Player Movements & Rumours with Haha Haha.
    Can you imagine if Broncos signed him and he turned into a quality halfback under the mentorship of Reyno? That would be fucking hilarious..
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life reacted to Sproj's post in the thread NRL Players and family members in hot water with Like Like.
    'Paul Kent has been given time to deal with significant mental health battles following being the victim of an alleged altercation over the weekend. We cannot comment further as the matter is before the police but we wish Kenty a speedy recovery and being back with us soon as he moves on from this unprovoked ordeal. To fill the void, we welcome Dean Dropkick Ritchie to host by popular demand from the photos he possesses of our bosses. Welcome Bulldog'
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life replied to the thread POST GAME [Round 8, 2024] Broncos vs Wests Tigers.
    It’s being discussed because a lot of people don’t understand the rule or like you do understand the rule but are just refusing to accept it for some bizarre reason. You are entitled to not budge on your stance but your stance is wrong. This isn’t a vibe thing, these are facts that you are happy to be in the wrong about and wear as some sort of badge of honour so probably no point discussing any further.
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life replied to the thread POST GAME [Round 8, 2024] Broncos vs Wests Tigers.
    It’s blowing up on sports news for a reason you are right, clicks. No-one gives a shit about an article that reads “correct call made, Api denied try through poor execution”. It is also blowing up because a lot of the NRL don’t understand the rule either. It is absolutely black and white and I will try to make it clear for you. The rule states (they changed this a few years ago) if there is separation you must regather with 2 hands. So what exactly are you disputing? Do you; a) Believe...

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