broncos4life's latest activity

  • broncos4life
    broncos4life replied to the thread NRL Players and family members in hot water.
    Surprised he hasn’t pulled out the mental health card yet.
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life reacted to Foordy's post in the thread POST GAME [Round 8, 2024] Broncos vs Wests Tigers with Like Like.
    I can't believe this is still being argued about. both by us and the media. take the try line out of it. if that exact thing happened 1m before the try line it would be ruled a knock on. and literally zero people would be complaining about it. basically what happened is he lost it and was unable to regather it before it hit the ground. I also don't get people starting to compare this rule to grounding the ball from a kick. they are completely different situations.
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life replied to the thread POST GAME [Round 8, 2024] Broncos vs Wests Tigers.
    It did come away and you need to regrip, where exactly did he regrip it? We all know the bunker is super inconsistent so I’m not sure what the point of talking about other decisions is.
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life replied to the thread POST GAME [Round 8, 2024] Broncos vs Wests Tigers.
    This really shouldn’t be this hard, it’s the most basic flowchart ever. Did the ball come away from the hand at any point? Yes - Proceed to next point No - Try Did the player regather or regrip the ball prior to grounding without the assistance of the ground? Yes - Try No - No Try
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life reacted to Morkel's post in the thread POST GAME [Round 8, 2024] Broncos vs Wests Tigers with Like Like.
    There is no re-gathering, or a regaining of control, just because the hand catches up with it does not constitute control. Yes, it's a tiny bit of separation for a fraction of a second, but it is there nonetheless. If your foot touches a tiny bit of the touchline for a fraction of a second, there is no "discretion". If you bobble the ball slightly in to the opposition, there is no "discretion". If it's not entirely clear, and therefore questionable, there can be discretion, but not when it...

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