broncos4life's latest activity

  • broncos4life
    broncos4life replied to the thread 2024 State of Origin discussion.
    Confirming that I am also making myself unavailable for selection.
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life reacted to Morkel's post in the thread NEWS Haas adamant emotions won't take over against Roosters with Haha Haha.
    But they're certainly going to make orphans of the Roosters' children.
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life replied to the thread PLAYER Reece Walsh.
    When you get to be my age, 28 sounds pretty damn young.
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life reacted to KateBroncos1812's post in the thread PLAYER Reece Walsh with Like Like.
    it reminds me of how Taylor Swift got young girls into football I mean they were never interested until she got involved and now it is happening with Reece Walsh he is bringing the young girls in excluding me I mean I am 28 this year
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life replied to the thread PLAYER Reece Walsh.
    Not surprised your son isn’t a Broncos fan Vossy, he would be kicked out of home if he was.

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