broncos4life's latest activity

  • broncos4life
    broncos4life replied to the thread NRL Players and family members in hot water.
    That’s pretty great.
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life reacted to Harry Sack's post in the thread 2024 NRL General Discussion Thread with Like Like.
    I think Wade Graham nailed it there. What a shit stain of a club that texts a journalist, while still in the meeting, to let him know. Before the club has even released a statement. I mean, did JD even know yet? Kick em out again.
  • broncos4life
    I think Kevvie will get us our next premiership but even if he doesn’t what he has done here is phenomenal and I will be forever thankful for. He never gets the appreciation he deserves outside of the Broncos but he doesn’t care either. To go from what he gave the club as a player to then be rejected the first time he applied to be coach of the club and once the person he was overlooked for completely destroys the club he comes back to do whatever he can to get us back where we should be...
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life replied to the thread 2024 NRL General Discussion Thread.
    Big ears gone!
  • broncos4life
    broncos4life replied to the thread POST GAME [Round 8, 2024] Broncos vs Wests Tigers.
    That's not the rule.

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