Recent content by broncsgoat

  1. broncsgoat

    First coach sacked

  2. broncsgoat


    So we’re better than the riff now? Nice
  3. broncsgoat

    RUMOUR Dylan Brown - 10 years $13 million.

    would be on suicide watch if I was a knights fan.
  4. broncsgoat

    COMBAT Boxing / MMA Thread

    Time to pack it up Izzy
  5. broncsgoat

    CRICKET Australia v Sri Lanka

    Ok wow. I still haven’t watched any that was just going off the score card… pretty impressive to be doing this to them at home then
  6. broncsgoat

    CRICKET Australia v Sri Lanka

    Looks like they’re playing against a team of part timers tbf
  7. broncsgoat

    CRICKET Australia v Sri Lanka

    I haven’t watch a single delivery… Dismantling Sri Lanka on a road after punishing India for a summer must be a hard slog. Appreciate your commitment @Sproj…
  8. broncsgoat

    PLAYER Adam Reynolds

    I think this is a bad decision - not that Reyno isnt good, he's just on his way out. Was a good opportunity to start with a new captain with a new coach.
  9. broncsgoat

    SPOILER The Brisbane Broncos are winning the 2025 NRL Premiership

    **** me dead seibold was a plodder
  10. broncsgoat


    If 2026 is a given, why not do it now with some leadership support with Reyno,
  11. broncsgoat

    CRICKET Australia v India Summer

    Sample size is questionable for overseas.... Has to be in the team for all 5 tests in the Ashes... 40+ wickets at 12 (at home) is ridiculous and cannot be ignored.
  12. broncsgoat

    CRICKET Australia v India Summer

    He should be… he’s our best bowler and I’m tired of pretending he’s not
  13. broncsgoat

    CRICKET Australia v India Summer

    When does the 6th test start?
  14. broncsgoat

    CRICKET Australia v India Summer

    He does it without chucking as well

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