That final session under lights on day 1 was big for him.. given the circumstances, the bowlers and the conditions, he probably won’t face a tougher examination for the rest of his career
Geez as well as some of our top order batted, I reckon we left a few out there .. a lead of 180 or so would’ve really made this tough for them
Hopefully our bowlers break this right open under lights and it won’t matter
Vaughan and most people’s criticisms of Australia related to what went on in Perth and were entirely valid ..
We’ve good start in Adelaide but we haven’t won the Test yet .. If some players hadn’t turned up to Perth just a fraction under prepared, we might not be 0-1 down in the series..
Nearly as glaring as our problems in this Test have been Australian commentators and ex players sucking on the teet of Indian cricket over the last four days..
Shameless ‘simping’ for a seat on that IPL gravy train
Edit : I just cursed out the Australian cricket team for the 184th time in the wrong thread..
I’ve gotta post something, so.. ‘geez I hope we get Hen Bunt !’ 🙏
carry on.. 😀