Fernando's latest activity

  • Fernando
    Fernando replied to the thread CROSS FORUM NRL Round 7 Discussion.
    The Storm won't collapse, lock them in for the a top 4 spot and likely a top 2 spot and a home final.
  • Fernando
    Fernando replied to the thread 2024 NRL Player Movements & Rumours.
    Utoikamanu is pretty damn good for his age and in a crappy side too, I can see him becoming a beast. He'd be a great pickup for the Panthers so hopefully it doesn't happen. Crazy how everyone talks abut him being a young prop, which is true, but Haas is only 6 months older.
  • Fernando
    Fernando replied to the thread PLAYER Fletcher Baker.
    These stats are better than a lot of people would have guessed. But the real problem imo has been his defense which has included some simple missed tackles that have proved costly. They have been misses you usually do not see from a front rower.
  • Fernando
    Fernando replied to the thread 2024 NRL Player Movements & Rumours.
    It is enforced though. Brisbane had an issue with the Dolphins trying to nab Mariner so they reported it, and the Dolphins were found to be in the wrong and punished. The Panthers don't have any issue here and he seems to be going with their blessing so I don't see a problem or why it needs to be a lengthy process.
  • Fernando
    Fernando replied to the thread 2024 NRL Player Movements & Rumours.
    Haha. Noooooooo there needs to be a long drawn out saga for me to report on

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