Painin the Haas's latest activity

  • Painin the Haas
    Painin the Haas replied to the thread POST GAME [Round 7, 2024] Broncos vs Raiders.
    Another second half to forget but again we got a lead we rested players we took the foot off.
  • Painin the Haas
    Painin the Haas replied to the thread POST GAME [Round 7, 2024] Broncos vs Raiders.
    Patrick Carrigan Takes the hit up when he knows we aren’t going forward There to finish a tackle to gain dominance even when he wasn’t even close Plays big minutes and the quality makes you think he isn’t under and fatigue Sign him up for life
  • Painin the Haas
    Painin the Haas replied to the thread PRE-GAME [Round 7, 2024] Broncos vs Raiders.
    In the past I would agree but this team they will play the same way in the wet or dry if anything it helps us in defence and stunts the raiders attack
  • Painin the Haas
    Painin the Haas reacted to Culhwch's post in the thread PRE-GAME [Round 7, 2024] Broncos vs Raiders with Like Like.
    I don't really know how Oates can be expected to have any impact shifting to the second row late in the game after playing three-quarters of the game on the wing. Recipe for disaster. It's going to be a repeat of last week, given no injuries - Sailor on late to spell a half, or in the middle to questionable effect. Bit of a waste, honestly...
  • Painin the Haas
    Painin the Haas reacted to Bronx48's post in the thread PRE-GAME [Round 7, 2024] Broncos vs Raiders with Like Like.
    Having Tristan on that bench and using him for 10 minutes is just a waste.

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