Strop's latest activity

  • Strop
    Strop replied to the thread COMPLETE [Round 6, 2024] Broncos vs Dolphins.
    Patience, you fucking merkins.
  • Strop
    Strop reacted to FACTHUNT's post in the thread PRE-GAME [Round 6, 2024] Broncos vs Dolphins with Haha Haha.
    He has the work ethic of a concussed Milford
  • Strop
    Strop reacted to BroncsFan's post in the thread PRE-GAME [Round 6, 2024] Broncos vs Dolphins with Like Like.
    Baker being selected is a surprise, but Kevvie is showing that he's going to back him... it's now up to Baker to show him the same amount of faith. If he doesn't then I think he'll be out, because Haas is due back very soon... it'll be 4 weeks post surgery next week. Also wouldn't be surprised to see a late change with Te Kura in, but Kevvie usually shows his hand early during training, so we'll know soon enough if that's going to be the case.

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