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  1. H

    If Hunt leaves - Hodges to FB?

    micheals micheals micheals
  2. H

    If Hunt leaves - Hodges to FB?

    copely wld be a better option,seems very tough for such a young age........
  3. H

    If Hunt leaves - Hodges to FB?

    beales good,but injuries cld be his havin second knee reco,already had 2 shoulder recos.
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    to slow

    move micheals to hooker,he would carve them up.
  5. H

    Folau gone for 8 weeks

    folau being injured is not so bad,it cld hav been worse.imagine if it was stevie micheals,then we would be struggling.
  6. H

    to slow

    hes a dreamer,wont last long.
  7. H

    micheals to fullback

    another outstanding game by stevie micheals,surely favourite to win dally m
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    micheals to fullback

    izzy is gay
  9. H

    to slow

    mccullough is like a tortoise out of dummy half,i think he is out of his league.
  10. H

    Where have the true centres gone?

    to clumsy & cumbersome
  11. H

    micheals to fullback

    if micheals was given a chance to show case his array of attacking skills from fullback i could see him going on to play that position for australia........
  12. H

    micheals to fullback

    hunt will be gone next year,micheals has alot more skill than hunt ever will...
  13. H

    micheals to fullback

    i think the broncos should give micheals a run at fullback,he would be a revalation....
  14. H

    Player Development Under Henjak

    mccullogh has been the broncos love child for about 6 years now.
  15. H

    Where have the true centres gone?

    beale gets injured to much

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