It just pisses me off when you have people coming out after a trial win. "Yes! Going to win the comp." Then we lose the next trial. "Oh, maybe not." Win the Charity Shield and Win Round 1, it repeats again "Oh hell yeah, we are going to do this."
The rugby league season is such a long and...
I still can't. This is the mindset of a true frustrated fan. The false dawns, the hype of "this is our year" and we have the team to win the comp, I have heard it all before. I live it round by round.
It isn't successful yet. A long way to go before we can start making those claims. I just hope the ride is as fun as last year was, though it has always been pretty fun. I am just happy I can go to every match now with a lot more hope of a win than a flogging.
I didn't even read all that and I snipped it off and highlighted an important fact.
You have no idea what it is like to be a frustrated fan. Try being a Souths supporter! I have seen more wooden spoons than wins (exaggerated). I have seen my team beaten by more points in 1 match than some...
I have to say I feel the penalty count did help us a fair bit. Obviously gave us a fair few sets to dominate a bit more. I am starting to see us play a lot more like the Storm every week. The defence was improved in some situations when I believe 2 years ago under Lang and maybe last year they...
Before buying the club why don't you sponsor the club for a few years? It will give you a chance to see how well the club is run from a professional POV. You will also be able to mingle with other business men, where you might be able to even grow your business further and even get your name out...
I don't know how you can call her talentless. She is probably one of the better ones that have came out of Australian Idol show. Her music is pop and rnb and if don't like it then you are going to frown upon her till the cows come home. She is a pretty good singer IMO and has had some pretty...
No, I probably would as well.
I think in AP's case from previous experience, he keeps going around and around until he wears you out or you 100% provide proof he is wrong to change his mind. The knock on debate as an obvious example, where he was right on principle but wrong in application of...
You really need to look at the difference between a shoulder charge and a shoulder driven tackle.
A shoulder charge is where the arms are down by the players side or used as a brace for impact.
A shoulder driven tackle is where the player comes in low and hard with his arms ready to wrap...
Cheers. I just did a major clean out of all temp stuff and hopefully it took whatever it was with it. So I can see them again, but for how long is the big question.
Sorry to take this off topic. Can anyone see my images above? I seem to be having issues with either my laptop or my website being infected with a redirect malware. Because I saw them after I posted them but now I can't see them and when I browse to the link location I get redirected to a...
Which one are we looking at here? The Warrior's tackle? I originally thought it was a shoulder charge until I had a second look.
Look at the arm and hand positions. Left - first contact shoulder, middle - shows right arm on hip and last - shows wrapping leg. Due to the speed and impact of the...
Thursday night at 9.40pm on channel 9 there is going to be some special news report in regards to this whole thing. I don't know if Qld will be co broadcasting it, airing something similar or showing it delayed.
I think most clubs would rather have a paper trail of supplements purchased from trustworthy companies like Bodyscience and Musashi then try and do it off the books.