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  1. Playboy Bunny

    Manly v Storm - 2008 Grand Final - Pre/Post Game Disucssion

    I am hoping Melb win. I think Manly are strong enough to win but I definately don't think Melb will go down without a fight.
  2. Playboy Bunny

    Sharks v Storm - Pre/post game thread

    I can't believe that it has been so long since Cronulla has had anything like this and they are one game away from the GF and the crowd was a poor 25 thousand...apparently. It's true that shire people don't go outside the bubble... I thought Melb was very sloppy tonight, although better then...
  3. Playboy Bunny

    Storm forum

    no prizes for second best...
  4. Playboy Bunny

    Storm forum

    You should create your username as "The Rock" and put in your sig that you're from BHQ hahaha
  5. Playboy Bunny


    I wouldn't know what wrestlers are on what show anymore. I might catch about 5minutes of it each week but thats about the extent that I go now.
  6. Playboy Bunny

    Who are you supporting now??

    If Storm play as dirty and rough as they did last night then Cronulla will have no hesitations in giving it back. Both teams are full with thugs.
  7. Playboy Bunny

    Broncos Vs. Storm *SPOILER*

    Better luck next year peoples. Storm didn't deserve to win although the Broncos let their guard down and that was their downfall.
  8. Playboy Bunny

    Who are you supporting now??

    Warriors for me...all the rest can burn in hell. I don't mind the storm but they are nothing to me.
  9. Playboy Bunny

    Warrior v Chooks *spoilers from TV game @ 7.30 pm*

    Thats more then what we wanted to know....
  10. Playboy Bunny

    Warrior v Chooks *spoilers from TV game @ 7.30 pm*

    Wooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! What a try...I think a bit controversial.
  11. Playboy Bunny

    Warrior v Chooks *spoilers from TV game @ 7.30 pm*

    Sorry about scotts facebook Tee...hehe
  12. Playboy Bunny

    Warrior v Chooks *spoilers from TV game @ 7.30 pm*

    Yeah either next week or week after?? He got 3 weeks....
  13. Playboy Bunny

    Warrior v Chooks *spoilers from TV game @ 7.30 pm*

    Lets go warrriiorrrrssss
  14. Playboy Bunny

    Sexual assault allegation

    I don't believe that EVERY guy would be into that Hammo. Yes no doubt majority of guys wouldn't knock it back although there are some which hold some morals.
  15. Playboy Bunny

    Chris McQueen

    Can anyone shed some light onto what this guy is about??
  16. Playboy Bunny

    Sexual assault allegation

    Ah I had a friend who didn't have anyting to drink but would happily have thrown herself at any footballer.....she's a loser...
  17. Playboy Bunny

    Home City Semis

    Lucky you don't run the NRL then :P
  18. Playboy Bunny

    Home City Semis

    I think it is fair enough. Once the finals start it is a whole new ball game. Fair enough they may have been better for the rest of the season but winning in the first round of finals for another home semi is an incentive to win a game...
  19. Playboy Bunny

    Home City Semis

    Why give them a second home advantage?

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