I liked it...I had nothing wrong with it. I do think Canberra may have pushed it a little too far which is why it did get called up in the end. I think if they could have maybe not made it AS obvious that they were pushing players then they may have got away with it.
Looks like there is more to this story then meets the eye. I can't say what I know because of this being a public forum but if it gets out it will be veryyy verrryy interesting.
Well obviously and no doubt other fans along with myself hope that to happen. I meant more so the money russ and PHaC put in to buy the club and also to get it out of debt. Thats the sort of money that they can't keep putting in.
Aww thank you Jeb. No-one listens to me so thanks for saying that.
Plus Emma, it's not that they have said they aren't putting anymore money in it's more so along the lines of they want to club to be able to stand on their own feet because they can't keep putting money into the club. I think...
I think he is lucky to only get one match.
It is a pretty dangerous thing to do. I've felt the consequences on studs in the skin and that wasn't nice. I wouldn't want it in my face or neck.
True. Tricky was my favourite player when I was little lol Chris does seem to be pretty grounded at the moment. He grew up pretty much in a shanty town up in QLD somewhere and apparently when he goes home to visit his family and friends it really grounds him. Lets hope that continues!
Last year he was pretty consistant from what I can remember. He did have a pretty awesome game this week though. I just hope doing some big hits on peoples he doesn't hurt himself. Tough little nut.
To be honest I don't think rusty hates Vossy at all. I think it is more of familiarity brings contempt. icon_thumbs_u Considering Vossy is a souths man through and through I very much so doubt that Russ hates him. I would probably say it was Vossy who got Russ on the FS to begin with.