I have, couldnt find it. I have read that he had 'illicit substanceS including cocaine' though. So wondering if you actually know, or are quoting a report or just making stuff up, respectfully.
If you get caught on mobile phone in Qld whilst driving you get a 1200 fine. Might as well just have some illicit drugs in your system, then decide to take the car for a spin (whilst unlicensed ofcourse). Itll just be a roulette spin whether you get into a car accident, hurt or skill someone or...
Reports say that he had a cocktail of drugs in his system including coke. Geez how stupid do you have to be, to then decide to still get in a car to drive.
Qld legal system has done a shit job. Hopefully the NRL takes a more appropriate stance.
Was he driving a sponsored car? Was it a 3rd party deal? Who allowed him to get access to a car without him being licensed? Sheer incompetence on so many levels.
He needed a car accident nearly killing innocent people to somehow remind him that he has mental health issues?
I hope you arent practising to be his lawyer.
Do fans not find it strange how players are getting done for Drugs via police stops/crashing cars but not via internal testing? Has there been a player been stood down for 12 weeks as per NRL regulations if they are found to have drugs in their systems the second time around? Surely the drug...
And i actually like Thaiday. I just think that his comments were very tone deaf. If you want to comment, sure go for it. But first and foremost it should be the victims. The "young and stupid' line can only be called out so many times. Lines have to be drawn in the sand. It seems Mam learnt...
Nah we have Metcalf. We dont have a halfback but views on him being sacked have nothing to do with whether i would want our club to get him or not (and i hope/know we wouldnt). He needs to be taught a tough lesson. It has been widely known that Broncos players are primadonnas and the good thing...
EDIT - not sure its been discussed here but did anyone see the Thaiday comments after it all happened. Was all about Mam being young and making mistakes. No thought about the victims of his lunacy. Extremely tone-deaf.
Article to go with it:
sorry mate, not ignoring your response but unfortunately your posts arent coming through to the other sites. @Nashy
Cant qlders do anything right without the help of the NRL! ;)
Teething problems.
You guys can see our posts on your forum. No user names showing up.
We can't see yours on our forum.
Silvertails can't see either nzwarriors or broncoshq posts or have their posts sent through to other forums.
Hopefully resolved for next week :)