NEWS A quick chat with Adam Reynolds

Adam Reynolds can barely wait to escape the slums of South Sydney and walk tall in Brisbane:

“I just wanted a new challenge for myself and my family. The Broncos deserve to be back at the top. It is a powerhouse club. They have a great supporter base and are a proud club with a lot of history. A lot of hard work and sacrifice has to go in to get there first. It is such a proud club that has been starved of finals footy for a couple of years.”

“I had some chats with Wayne and I leant on him for a bit of advice. He just said to be happy with whatever decision you go with. He had nothing but good things to say about the Broncos, which probably made my decision easier. It was a big decision at the time and having him in my corner is something I am grateful for."

“I just see joining the Broncos as a new challenge. If I had stayed in Sydney, it probably would have been the same stuff day-in and day-out and hanging with the same group of mates. On the field I am going to be excited about working with a new team and trying to take them from one place to another. On the other side of things it is good for the family to get out of our comfort zone and experience another side of life in Brisbane. It is a new challenge and I am looking forward to it.”

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Now let's take a look at that bunny

“Payne Haas is the future of the game. He is one of the factors why I did sign at the club and it will be good to play alongside him in the future.”

“I will have a chat to ‘Kevvie’ about the captaincy when I get to the Broncos. I am purely focused on trying to do a job at Souths first and then whatever happens, happens. There are a lot of great young players that could fill that role and it depends which way Kevvie wants to go.”

“I am extremely driven. I think Wayne and I have got a great relationship. I love spending time with people with a lot of knowledge and Wayne has got a lot of knowledge. He has got a great personality. We have worked extremely hard at Souths on perfecting things. I want to win the premiership every year. It’s hard to do. There is a bit of luck and a lot of hard work that goes into it all. But there are no excuses for us. We have put ourselves in a great position to do it and it is about us making the most of our opportunities now."

"The club is in great hands. Souths have some fantastic kids coming through. All I wanted to do coming into first grade was to leave the jersey in a better place and I’d like to think I’ve done that. I think they should carry on that trend. If they can take that No.7 jersey and leave Souths in a better place, then my job is done.”

Wayne Bennett insists Adam's no injury magnet:

“It’s rubbish. Adam is not on modified training at Souths, it’s a bloody furphy. He doesn’t have hamstring problems, or issues with his back, knees or achilles. I’m his coach so I know Adam better than most. Injuries are a part of the game but he is no more injury-prone than anyone else. I don’t see why Adam can’t play on for several years. He will fit in fine at the Broncos. He is not a big mouth. He doesn’t talk a lot of rubbish. He is the ultimate professional, he will be perfect for the Broncos, no doubt about that.”

Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
The very fact he was prepared to speak so openly about next year and the Broncos on the eve of the semi finals shows how cool calm & collected Adam Reynolds is.. The vast majority of players in that spot would’ve tightened up & refused to speak about it


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
The very fact he was prepared to speak so openly about next year and the Broncos on the eve of the semi finals shows how cool calm & collected Adam Reynolds is.. The vast majority of players in that spot would’ve tightened up & refused to speak about it
Also shows how keen he is and how he is putting a lot of forethought regarding how he can change the team.

It’s one of a few things. there was footage of him watching a broncos game on iPad while sitting on the sideline of a bunnies game. He has mentioned that he’s called Kev a few times to talk tactics. He’s also been seen standing around talking with Capewell after Panthers/bunnies games for extended periods. He also stayed back and gave that bronco fan kid his game jersey during magic round.

Really gives me the impression that he is coming to the club with really high ambitions. I think he could see it as a bit of a legacy for him.


NRL Player
Jul 3, 2021
Also shows how keen he is and how he is putting a lot of forethought regarding how he can change the team.

It’s one of a few things. there was footage of him watching a broncos game on iPad while sitting on the sideline of a bunnies game. He has mentioned that he’s called Kev a few times to talk tactics. He’s also been seen standing around talking with Capewell after Panthers/bunnies games for extended periods. He also stayed back and gave that bronco fan kid his game jersey during magic round.

Really gives me the impression that he is coming to the club with really high ambitions. I think he could see it as a bit of a legacy for him.
100% and in the next couple years Reynolds will be in the ear of his mates to come over.
The Brisbane fans are really going to get behind him.


NRL Player
May 1, 2016
Also shows how keen he is and how he is putting a lot of forethought regarding how he can change the team.

It’s one of a few things. there was footage of him watching a broncos game on iPad while sitting on the sideline of a bunnies game. He has mentioned that he’s called Kev a few times to talk tactics. He’s also been seen standing around talking with Capewell after Panthers/bunnies games for extended periods. He also stayed back and gave that bronco fan kid his game jersey during magic round.

Really gives me the impression that he is coming to the club with really high ambitions. I think he could see it as a bit of a legacy for him.

I enjoyed reading that like a middle aged woman loves reading a steamy romance novel.


NYC Player
Nov 18, 2019
I've got a feeling Adam is going to be a great fit for the Broncos. I've watched interviews with him, and started following his social media. He's got a really good head on his shoulders, and a solid personality.

He's not "old" but his experience, and personality will be perfect for this team of young players. I've been really impressed with his attitude, and the fact is seems he has his family front and centre in all of the decisions he makes speaks volumes about the kind of person he is.

Can't wait to see him running around in a Broncos jersey. Hope he gets to win another premiership with the Bunnies before he leaves. Couldn't stand the Bunnies as a kid, but this past 10 years I'd say they've become my second team.


NRL Captain
Jun 3, 2013
I've got this horrible feeling in my guts that Souths will make the grand Final against the Storm, Reynolds will have a great game, then the Storm will grub it up and snap his knee ligaments or twist off his arm off at the shoulder and we won't see him in a Broncos Jersey for 12 months.


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
Anyone think that photo looks a little suss
I have to say for a brief second i thought it was Dari-B kicking off and felt instantly triggered.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
I meant the first photo with the suction pump looking thing.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
I meant the first photo with the suction pump looking thing.
He's getting that bad taste bunny tattoo removed and a bucking horse put in its place.

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