BHQ Player Of The Season



Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
I propose after each match we run a thread where people list their top three players for the match.

The votes are tallied for that thread going by the scoring system below:

1st = 5 points.
2nd = 3 points.
3rd = 1 point.

Once the top three have been decided, the overall MOTM gets five points, the second placer gets three points and obviously third overall is given one point. This is then added to a table which is updated throughout the season.


Say three people vote one week (hopefully more than that if this goes ahead!).

X votes for: ----------------------Y votes for: ------------------------ Z votes for:

Lockyer --------------------------- Thaiday -------------------------------- Hodges
Hunt --------------------------- Lockyer -------------------------------- Lockyer
Hodges --------------------------- Folau -------------------------------- Folau

So points wise:

Lockyer = 5 + 3 + 3 = 11 points
Hunt = 3 + 0 + 0 = 3 points
Hodges = 1 + 0 + 5 = 6 points
Thaiday = 0 + 5 + 0 = 5 points
Folau = 0 + 1 + 1 = 2 points

Therefore on an overall basis because Lockyer has the most points, he is awarded 5 points towards his table tally, Hodges has the second most so is awarded 3 points towards his table tally and because Thaiday has the third highest amount of points he is awarded 1 point towards his table tally. Therefore the overall season table would look like this:

Lockyer........5 points
Hodges........3 points
Thaiday.......1 point

Then each week those scores would be added onto, or other players would join the table depending on the amount of votes they receive.

Now i've only thought up this basically on the spot because i am bored so it probably has a fair few flaws. Anyway we'd need a decent amount of people to vote for it to be worthwhile, maybe twenty or so.

Definitely open to suggestions on different formats or changes to this one because having re-read that, i realise it could be a little difficult to implement.

What do you think? Would you vote?
I had thought of doing something similar Ning, but it looks good to me. icon_thumbs_u
Awesome! Like my old BroncoNet player of the year scenario! I like :-)
Great idea, I'd vote. Is there a reason it's 5, 3, 1 instead of 3, 2, 1?
ill vote.

Maybe 3,2,1 points system similiar to dally m, instead of 5,3,1?
Good idea Ning, glad you are taking the lead and rolling with this and collating the data. Let us know and we will sticky each week for you and unsticky etc.
Yes, BroncoNet (and then the official site when they adopted it) always used 3, 2, 1. What's the benefit of 5, 3, 1? Bit of an advantage getting 1st or 2nd for a week.

Meh, much of a muchness. But to be different, I'll propose 4, 2, 1 :P
3,2,1 is easier for dumbasses like myself to comprehend...
Great idea NNN, a few of us have discussed this on MSN, would be brilliant to see it actually happen. I'd definitely vote, however may I make some suggestions?

- Firstly, I think it would be a good idea to select a "judging panel" who are the actual judges week in, week out. This is not an elitist thing and anyone you decide/anyone who volunteers can be on the panel. I dare to suggest there is at least 20 regular BHQites who (think they) have a decent grasp of the game. The reason for this is it stops posters blowing in, giving 3 points to Elia and blowing out again...LOLZ, besides that obvious slander, what it achieves is stopping agendas forming during the season (e.g. De Vere has a defensive blinder, stops 3 tries however because he isn't flashy and isn't 18, people don't vote for him because they feel he shouldn't be in the team ahead of other players). The same people who are keen enough to be a part of the panel, will be fairly honest throughout the season, therefore the judging is somewhat standardised.

- Secondly, if a member of the judging panel misses a week, simply no points taken in from that judge, which won't effect the standard of the judging for that week (sounds simple, yet many forums that have things like this try and give absent points to certain players, etc).

- Thirdly, if a player is sent off or sin binned, if judged by anyone on the panel to be deserving of points (e.g. through aggression, acts of inspiration, etc) he still be eligible for points, unlike that hack system voted for by journo's...

- Fourthly, I understand why you want the 5 points, to give the (BHQ) MoM a clear advantage each week, however over a season 3 points is more fair. Quite often there will be a few players who could all very easily be Mom, so it is very harsh for them to receive so fewer points than the voted MoM.

- Lastly and IMO most importantly; perhaps two categories "Best Forward" & "Best Back" each week? So often forwards (the real workers and by far the most important players on the field) are over looked in these type of things. Other than a hooker (Cam Smith is a demi-God) name me a forward who has won a Dally M? If this is deemed to advanced and one category is simpler, I urge all members who make up the judging to understand the role of forwards in RL!

Cheers NNN icon_thumbs_u
Basically, the reason it is 5, 3, 1 is because i got the idea off a 'soccer' forum i visit which uses a different format but the same points system.

I guess the idea is that it rewards the actual man of the match a lot more than a 3, 2, 1 system would. Honestly i have no idea though. [icon_lol1.

Like i said, open to suggestions so if everyone wants to run with the 3, 2, 1 system that's swell with me. icon_thumbs_u
I like the whole concept and also like Hammo's idea of having a set panel of 20 or so people who are regular contributors to Bronco Talk as the panel or else you get people voting excessively for Casey McGuire or Eli Tiquiri (sp?). Not sure on the Forward and Back split each week but would be happy for them to be recognized seperately at the end as well as combined.
Hammo said:
Great idea NNN, a few of us have discussed this on MSN, would be brilliant to see it actually happen. I'd definitely vote, however may I make some suggestions?

- Firstly, I think it would be a good idea to select a "judging panel" who are the actual judges week in, week out. This is not an elitist thing and anyone you decide/anyone who volunteers can be on the panel. I dare to suggest there is at least 20 regular BHQites who (think they) have a decent grasp of the game. The reason for this is it stops posters blowing in, giving 3 points to Elia and blowing out again...LOLZ, besides that obvious slander, what it achieves is stopping agendas forming during the season (e.g. De Vere has a defensive blinder, stops 3 tries however because he isn't flashy and isn't 18, people don't vote for him because they feel he shouldn't be in the team ahead of other players). The same people who are keen enough to be a part of the panel, will be fairly honest throughout the season, therefore the judging is somewhat standardised.

Cracking idea. The more judges the better. Might stick up a thread soon looking for volunteers! :mrgreen:

- Secondly, if a member of the judging panel misses a week, simply no points taken in from that judge, which won't effect the standard of the judging for that week (sounds simple, yet many forums that have things like this try and give absent points to certain players, etc).

Sounds like it would work well.

- Thirdly, if a player is sent off or sin binned, if judged by anyone on the panel to be deserving of points (e.g. through aggression, acts of inspiration, etc) he still be eligible for points, unlike that hack system voted for by journo's...

Yeh definitely agree with this. That whole system of excluding players for being suspended or whatever is shit.

- Fourthly, I understand why you want the 5 points, to give the (BHQ) MoM a clear advantage each week, however over a season 3 points is more fair. Quite often there will be a few players who could all very easily be Mom, so it is very harsh for them to receive so fewer points than the voted MoM.

Yeh fair enough. Looks like most others would rather the 3, 2, 1 system so i think we'll just go with that.

- Lastly and IMO most importantly; perhaps two categories "Best Forward" & "Best Back" each week? So often forwards (the real workers and by far the most important players on the field) are over looked in these type of things. Other than a hooker (Cam Smith is a demi-God) name me a forward who has won a Dally M? If this is deemed to advanced and one category is simpler, I urge all members who make up the judging to understand the role of forwards in RL!

I like this idea, but i hope the judging panel is smart enough to value the impact forwards have on the game. Perhaps a bonus point system of some sort, no idea how it would work though.

Cheers NNN icon_thumbs_u
I misspelt "too", Ultimate JackA$$ is going to hurt me when she gets on. Can someone take a photo of my face before she closes the curtains and windows?
Hammo and NNN great idea, I love it.
However I agree with Hammo.
It should def be 3-2-1 AND there should be a Best Back and Best Forward every week.


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