Bus down Caxton St


BRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
Not sure if this is covered elsewhere, but does anyone know what time the QLD bus heads down Caxton St tonight?

I've never been there for that before, so am looking forward to it.
sorry to break it to you but I don't think they do it anymore. Something about security and bottles being thrown at the window.

Hope I'm wrong but!
The QLD bus still does it doesn't it? I am pretty sure NSW chicken out a few years ago.
I thought it stopped in 2001 game 1? The last game at the old Lang park so Caxton st was absolutely packed. The blues bus used to get hammered when it came down the street as far as I know. I was too young to be there, my brother has told me a lot of blokes would throw cans as it went past though.
Scotty said:
I thought it stopped in 2001 game 1? The last game at the old Lang park so Caxton st was absolutely packed. The blues bus used to get hammered when it came down the street as far as I know. I was too young to be there, my brother has told me a lot of blokes would throw cans as it went past though.
The bus went down Caxton Street last year before Origin III.
Not sure whether there's going to be a repeat tonight...
It was amazing last year, I hope they do it again! I've seen street full of thousands of people go nuts like that!!