Contract Values



QCup Player
Nov 15, 2014
I recently read an article in which St George CEO stated the Ben Hunt contract value is a lot lower than what was reported in the media. Jack Bird signing resulted in media reports with contract values that varied $300,000 or more per season. It got me thinking how would the media know the contract value or how much a player would be earning in a year?

I tried to do some research but I am none the wiser and would appreciate any information/opinions people have.

My limited understanding is that the club pays a player an amount that is included in the cap, there can be club sourced third party deals included if applicable and any other third party deals need to be cleared by the NRL as outside the cap. So for example Milford gets paid $800k by the club, another $50k in club sourced TPA’s and $140k in TPA’s outside the cap. What is the contract value ($850k or $990k) and how the hell would a sports journalist have a clue what the breakdown is? Is it safe to assume TPA’s outside the cap would vary every year depending on whatever factors?
Outside the club, NRL, player/manager and tax man nobody else would have a clue. Unless there is a leak of information I am assuming the figures thrown around in the media are just guesses based on whatever crap the writer comes up with to suit their agenda. At the end of the day it seems we have no clue just educated guesses at best.

Only example I can think of where the reported contract amount was openly discussed is DCE but was it ever really confirmed by the club, NRL, player/manager?

Sorry for the long post, this has been annoying me lately as the so called experts don’t seem to know shit.
The media 'know' because they make up the figure to suit either which ever club they like or the amount that will cause the biggest headline.
Obviously there are leaks. But those who leak information do it for a reason, and it's not just because they consider it a public service. And it's rare that the source of the leak is ever made public, as journo's need to protect their sources. So all things considered, the leaks may know what they're talking about, but that doesn't mean the info is accurate or truthful.

The main source of leaks would of course be player managers. And therefore the information leaked is deliberate, as in, it's information they want to be made public to suit an agenda, mostly to maximise their client's $$$. The simplest one being "This Club is offering the player X amount", "This Other Club has offered more" etc. It's in these instances that the values would be inflated, of course in order to influence the decision making and offers from other clubs, which is why 3rd party stuff would be included (even though it's not included in the cap), along the lines of "He'll be getting a million a year if he plays for the Broncos". Which is true, though misleading.

Even when it's a "player" that has supposedly leaked info, it wouldn't be direct. When you hear of stuff like Josh McGuire being a rat, it wouldn't be because he's spoken directly to the media. It'd be because he's trusted his manager, in his dealings he's had what most would consider to be normal, casual, and what he'd consider to be an off-the-record discussion. His manager, who of course would want to keep the media on-side for when he needs certain information to become public (as above), would feed these snippets to a journo as incentive. So there is likely an element of truth to the stories, but for all we know Josh was having a bad day and was venting about a minor, and isolated, incident or frustration, and the manager and media blew it out of proportion, deliberately, for a story. You would assume that when shit like this goes down, the player would not be too impressed with the manager.
In short managers and journalists scratch each other's backs when it suits them. That is how life is in general l guess just poor form when it disadvantages the player or throws them under the bus like Josh McGuire rat story.
In short managers and journalists scratch each other's backs when it suits them. That is how life is in general l guess just poor form when it disadvantages the player or throws them under the bus like Josh McGuire rat story.

Well done. Would you mind heading to the Religion thread to paraphrase a few posts for me?
Here we go

1. Boyd - 1 mill
2. Kahu - 400k
3. Roberts - 750k
4. Moga - 200k
5. Oates - 450k
6. Milford - 1.1 mill
7. Bird - 1 mill
8. Blair - 450k
9. McCullough - 600k
10. Sims - 200k
11. Gillett - 800k
12. Thaiday - 700k
13. McGuire - 700k

14. Ese'ese - 200k
15. Nikorima - 250k
16. TPJ - 250k
17. Glenn - 400k

18. Pearson - 125k
19. Mead - 200k
20. Dodds - 150k
21. Arrow - 125k
22. Marshall - 250k
23. Isaako - 125k
24. Ofaengahue - 250k
25. Fai - 200k

Total - 10,175,000 plus TPA's of course so another 5 mill on top
So if you need to know how much is in the broncos salary cap, just go off that because I made it up just like the media makes all their figures up so its just as good as they can come up with if not better for over inflation
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Going on those wages oates is under paid.

Also boyd isnt on 1m a season even Bird is on more then him and on 1m a season.
Going on those wages oates is under paid.

Also boyd isnt on 1m a season even Bird is on more then him and on 1m a season.
Probably not on the books no, I'd guess he'd be around 850 a season with TPA's topping up the rest.
Going on those wages oates is under paid.

Also boyd isnt on 1m a season even Bird is on more then him and on 1m a season.

Well he did pull those values out of his ass...

But that would make him a good rugby league journalist... since that's all they ever do.
Well he did pull those values out of his ass...

But that would make him a good rugby league journalist... since that's all they ever do.
Could argue he is overqualified, seems he put some thought into it.
Well apparently we are 10 million over the cap so just about everyone would be on 500k-1 mil, right?
Well apparently we are 10 million over the cap so just about everyone would be on 500k-1 mil, right?

We should have Thurston, Smith, and Cronk in the team, going by how far over the cap we are.
Going on those wages oates is under paid.

Also boyd isnt on 1m a season even Bird is on more then him and on 1m a season.

I'm sorry but it's his base wage but our 5 mill tpas obviously kick him up in the pay scale to about 1.3 mill so it works out in the end

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