NEWS Kevin Walters wants to remain a Bronco

Some time after the Broncos' premature Mad Monday, Kevin Walters will meet chairman Karl Morris, CEO Dave Donaghy and head-of-football Ben Ikin to discuss what lies ahead, both for the club and his own tenure as Head Coach. He's expected to ask for a one year extension, and there's a decent chance he'll get it.


“Karl, Dave and Ben have been great for me personally. I do want to be here long-term. I didn’t accept this job to be here for just two years and get moved on. Dave Donaghy has provided great support for me as CEO and the presence of Ben has allowed me to do what I should be doing, which is working with the players out on the grass. I’d like to continue my partnership with those guys for many years and make the Broncos great again.”

“My belief is always there. Whether I was a player or coach, I have always known my capabilities in football and I have never doubted myself. “To be honest, I haven’t achieved anything yet from a coaching point of view in the NRL, but I believe I can succeed. Good things are happening at this club. I can sense us turning the corner."


You blokes can all **** off to another club. Don't forget to leave a forwarding address.

“We’re assembling a roster that we believe can take the Broncos forward and the ultimate goal for me, and all of us here, is the premiership.”

“We are trying to stabilise the club. It has been through a lot the last few years, from Wayne Bennett moving on to Anthony Seibold coming in and resigning. One of my first jobs was to move on a few players on so we could be salary-cap compliant. I had to make some tough decisions, but we are trying to make the Broncos a better place for everyone.”



NRL Player
May 10, 2014
So he should and the club should extend him now to cut the crap from effecting our off season and opening rounds next year. The last thing we need is for Pete to be coming on 360 and saying Kev has 10 weeks to prove himself or some BS like that.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Probably for the best. Would like a private clause that stipulates 10th or above finish in 2022 for it to be activated though.
The Strapper

The Strapper

NRL Player
Apr 21, 2015
I think kevvie should ask for a 2 yr extension based on the old saying ‘always ask for more than you’ll take’ naturally if he’s only offered 1 yr he takes that but he might just get lucky and get 2 yrs.
The other thing to consider is if he really wants to be here long term rolling 1 yr contracts are not the way to go. At that rate he’ll be having a similar conversation with the hierarchy around this time next year.
Blokes like haas probably want to know who the long term coach will be.


BRL Player
Jun 19, 2021
The question is this: if Kev wasn't resigned, would he get another job as an NRL coach ? Of course he wants an extension.
He joined saying "We don't do turnarounds at the Broncos", and ever since all we've heard is "But we are better than last year". Be very careful here, the Haas situation highlights no one is taking unders to play for Kev. He has no right to an extension until performance improves markedly. Saying "But I'm better than the last guy" isn't the test. In six months, when Wayne is set up down the road signing players at unders because they want to play for him, the heat will be on Kev more than ever.
A bad start to 2022 (just like this year, by the way) with Wayne signing players from us ... I can see why Kev wants an extension now. Wayne will get into the players heads they need to know who the coach is if Kev isn't signed. If Kev is signed, he will say your choice ... Come with me, I've won multiple premierships and we'll do it again, or stay with the joker rookie who can't get a gig elsewhere. Your choice.
A bad start to 2022, and this is going to get messy.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
The question is this: if Kev wasn't resigned, would he get another job as an NRL coach ? Of course he wants an extension.
He joined saying "We don't do turnarounds at the Broncos", and ever since all we've heard is "But we are better than last year". Be very careful here, the Haas situation highlights no one is taking unders to play for Kev. He has no right to an extension until performance improves markedly. Saying "But I'm better than the last guy" isn't the test. In six months, when Wayne is set up down the road signing players at unders because they want to play for him, the heat will be on Kev more than ever.
A bad start to 2022 (just like this year, by the way) with Wayne signing players from us ... I can see why Kev wants an extension now. Wayne will get into the players heads they need to know who the coach is if Kev isn't signed. If Kev is signed, he will say your choice ... Come with me, I've won multiple premierships and we'll do it again, or stay with the joker rookie who can't get a gig elsewhere. Your choice.
A bad start to 2022, and this is going to get messy.

players don't take unders to play for anyone anymore ... except the Storm apparently (whose players barely bother even testing the market),


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