NEWS Kurt Capewell: it feels like home

Kurt Capewell is relieved he's escaped the squalid slums of Western Sydney:

“It’s awesome, driving around Brissie, it feels like I have come home. It was amazing to go out on the highest of highs at Penrith and it makes me excited about coming to the Broncos and what I think I can bring to this club."

“I would love to win a premiership for the club, it would be awesome. Being a Queensland kid, I have a soft spot for the Broncos. I remember watching how successful the Broncos were and while they have struggled over the last few years, I want to be part of turning them around."

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Just as he left it

“In a football sense, I want to be part of something special at the Broncos - I want to make Brisbane a top-four club again. The Broncos should never be anywhere else but the top four, so I want to be a part of it and get the club back up to where it needs to be.”

“The one thing I have learnt from Penrith is that the one percenters mean everything. That’s the key to building a premiership club and hopefully I can bring that attitude to the Broncos. I am looking forward to the challenge of moving to a new team and establishing myself as a leader at the Broncos and teaching some of the younger boys the stuff I have picked up along the way. I will bring the one percenters, stuff like making my tackles and leading the kick chase, and that’s why ‘Kevvie’ got me here.”

“The Broncos had a young team last year, they are still learning their craft, but they progressed really quickly from the start of last season to the end of the year. They finished off with a few wins and it’s given the Broncos a base to build from. This pre-season will be a tough one and by round one, we will be ready to go.”

NSW stables

NSW stables

NRL Player
May 3, 2019
He is going to make a massive difference and I could see the other workhorse, 1% guys like Carrigan, Hetherington and Turpin just lap it up.
Yeah I love the talk about 1%ers. I think most younger players overlook the importance of these and having a senior player who has had success driving and teaching these will really benefit our younger team.


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