Most hated cliche: "The effort was there"



International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Ivan has trotted out "The effort was there" yet again as some kind of defence of a loss. Followed by the equally cliched "our execution let us down".

To me the "effort was there" line is just utter rubbish. This is first grade, professional rugby league. If you have players or a team that is NOT putting in the effort then you should be dropping players and sacking them from the club. EVERY player should be putting in 100% every single week at this level. To not do so would be to let yourself and your team down.

So to me it's not a positive that "the effort was there". That's like having the incompetent douche at your work who stuffs everything up, never gets anything right - and come performance review the boss says "at least he turns up every day".

Bare minimum!

The fact the "execution" was so poor last night, and in reality has been poor since Origin, is very worrying with 3 games left before the finals.

It's not just one person who's responsible. But significantly, of the crucial 1, 6, 7 and 9, the only 2 who have been performing consistently well are Hoffman and Lockyer. Lockyer's out, and so we're left only with a fullback who's chiming in well but without Lockyer there is getting precious little quality ball.

Wallace's stilted performances at halfback are still a huge concern. McCullough is equally or more stilted at hooker and comes up with some absolutely mind bogglingly bad decisions. Hunt has had some good touches, and some absolute horrors.

Lockyer's replacements last night were both horrible.

Is there an easy solution? No. We can't drop Wallace or McCullough, they are, whether in bad form or not, the best two options at 7 and 9 at this stage.

Norman seems to suffer stagefright now. He's young and inexperienced, so it's forgiveable, but it's notable that his first game at fullback in round 1 - excellent. Subsequent games, crap. First game at halfback against Melbourne - excellent. Subsequent games, crap. First game at five-eighth against Souths - excellent. Subsequent games, crap. He sets the bar high and then seems to be petrified with the prospect of having to repeat it. That fear of failure will disappear as he gets experience, but that doesn't help us now. The fact I think he's thrown 2 passes in his last 2 first grade appearances means we can't have him in the halves.

IMO, the solution is Hunt to play five-eighth. As I said, he's had some horror plays over the season, but some touches of class. And he doesn't seem to lack confidence.

The other problem has plagued the Broncos for years. Passive defence. Very poor at wrapping up the offload, and very poor at bringing players down quickly, especially those with strong leg drive. Josh McGuire is a breath of fresh air there. He hits and finishes. The way players like Mateo and Anthony Tupou tease us is so frustrating to watch! Unfortunately there's no quick fix there. That takes coaching and technique and clearly nobody in the Broncos ranks has bothered with that, ever.

But simply accepting poor performances with the silver lining that "the effort was there" is frustrating!
The fact our pack don't know how to make or stop big gains and quick play the balls through the middle of the park is a major reason why our halves find it so hard and makes it seem like they have no time and are 'in slow motion'. These two areas are letting us down and we won't make the finals if we don't get them sorted.
Our inability to wrap up a player is hurting us. Eels had a lot of offloads because we were just tackling their legs. It's frustrating to watch our flaw in defence week in, week out.

I agree with Hunt in the halves. He's played a lot of games for us now (though mostly at hooker) but he'd have confidence to take control our attack without Locky. I hope so anyway.

I also echo your sentiments about McGuire.
Yes because it's totally reasonable to believe that what Ivan tells the media is what he tells the team behind closes doors at training....
Way to miss the point entirely. You keep praising the Broncos for all the great work they're doing Jeba, there's a good sheep icon_thumbs_u
The Rock said:
I hope Ivan's cliche' was just a throw away line because it's stupid.

It was poor coaching last night. Not just because of the positional changes, but because of how many offloads they got away with. I mean, 22 offloads? That's **** pathetic! Seriously if I were coach, that is the FIRST thing I'd be drilling the players on when you play against Parramatta. The reason why Parramatta win games is because they are able to get good second phase play and play off that. Why the hell wasn't that our main focus? Look maybe Ivan did concentrate on this all week, but going from what I saw last night I seriously doubt that they took much notice of Parra's offloading ability during the week.

THAT'S what killed us, NOT our execution.

Unless they had trained all week to shut down the offloads and didn't execute it :P
But yes, it's not something you get right in one week. It's an endemic problem at the Broncos and has been for years.

Wayne Bennett never bothered to deal with it, probably because he doesn't believe in offloads in a game so why bother catering to stop them?
I don't think I've missed the point. You're basically saying that you hate that old cliche and written an essay as to why, when it's obvious that Ivan has never really been vocal about our ordinary performances to the press conference. If he told the players that at training all week then I'd agree with what you've written, but it'd be very naive to think that's what his attitude would be.
OK, ignore my critique of the Broncos' performance over the course of the season which was the second point to the post.

Fact is I'm seeing little evidence that the Broncos prepare well for the game. Dragons game is the only one where we clearly came out with a plan and stuck to it. Though it was pretty easy. Kick deep and tackle hard, knowing the Dragons won't offload.

I shudder to think how we'll go against the Warriors who just love their 2nd phase play.
I can see what he was saying though.

The boys certainly put in, they just played dumb football.
Big Pete said:
I can see what he was saying though.

The boys certainly put in, they just played dumb football.

Bingo! And playing dumb football when a win was so important is disgraceful.
Hopefully he takes something out of that loss though, like he did against Newcastle earlier.

We've got the troops, we just have to position them correctly and play to a game plan.

Newcastle are certainly a beatable side even without Lockyer. They have the worst forward pack in the competition and their fringe defence is terrible. If we sort out our halves and nullify their backline we'll be well on our way to a convincing victory.
Peter Wallace is a joke, cannot attack on his own. He was average at best last night! Offered absolutely nothing to our attack at all.

I thought Norman looked good in parts, he offered a little bit of spark. Thought it wasn't a good idea to start Gillett at 5/8 he was trying to do too might, he is better in the back row for sure.

Dodds is awesome in defence but he seriously never runs the ball, as a front rower isn't that his main job? I still rate him and want him in the team but he needs to learn to take more hit ups.

Did anyone else think Archer's refereeing was piss poor? I know I might be bias towards the broncos but so many calls were wrong.
Coxy said:
Big Pete said:
I can see what he was saying though.

The boys certainly put in, they just played dumb football.

Bingo! And playing dumb football when a win was so important is disgraceful.
And who's responsible for the dumb footy? [icon_shru
Plenty of blame to go around.

Henjak for not devising an appropriate game plan and trying to play like Lockyer was still there with a player who was obviously out of his depth in Lockyer's role.

The hookers for taking stupid options.

And dud mistakes by senior players.
It would be so nice to see some (coaching) effort put into maintaing depth in attack so Wally has runners on either side coming at speed. Our attack is so damn flat. Wally gets the ball, the forwards are a metre behind him, the defence has moved up, we get nailed.

Tronc needs at least 5 metres of running to have any impact. Sammy usually gets the ball with the defence almost on him. When we do offload, everyone's hanging around side by side and the defence is already there.

Then the line speed in defence. When it works, we shut down the offloads, we bash the runners back. But it's so inconsistent. The only reason Mateo looks good is because our defenders stand still and watch him, giving him space, giving his support time to position.

The breaks by Keating last nite. We just stood flat and let him run at us. Sheesh! This is Henjak's job FFS. GET THE STRUCTURE, hammer it into the players to make it work. That is where there seems to be no effort.

As for hookers, we have none. Only pretend ones. Sadly, we don't have a choice there.
Henjak is happy with Gillet at 5/8!! What game was he watching!
Browny said:
Henjak is happy with Gillet at 5/8!! What game was he watching!

He was wearing his rose coloured glasses.

He can't come out & say, I stuffed up in selecting him there.
Kaz said:
Browny said:
Henjak is happy with Gillet at 5/8!! What game was he watching!

He was wearing his rose coloured glasses.

He can't come out & say, I stuffed up in selecting him there.
Why not?
He should come out and admit that he stuffed up. It would greatly relieve the pressure from his young roster and make it clear that everyone makes mistakes.

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