Predictable hospital pass to the backrower


NYC Player
Apr 6, 2022
Reaction score
Ik alot of teams do this but why tf do we do the most predictable fast pass to the backrower where the rushing defence is 1cm away every time giving no time for the backrower to do anything
I’ve been lamenting this for years and it still happens for some reason.

Even when we had Gillo and Glenn who were much better than these clowns it still got dropped then.

It’s fucked when every other team can do them but we seem incapable of executing it 99% of the time.
Zero structure. Everything is telegraphed. It's so easy to read, there's no other bodies in motion to drag defenders away even if the fuckers could catch it. Which they don't, 9 times out of 10.

Truly stupid.
The passes or game situations aren't the issue. These sort of passes have to be in the face of the defenders as the attacker is normally right on the line and just needs to slightly poke through to score.

The issue is with the players in question, but the obvious one here is Riki. I would be surprised if he's caught anything more than 20% of those passes, it's almost certain he'll drop it. If he catches them, he normally scores. But it's another one of those situations where you wonder if they genuinely practice it at training and, if they do, how does he seem to so consistently drop them during games?