NEWS Shock reveal: Coach Kevin Walters' secret weapon



International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Kevin Walters has unveiled an ally in his side's preparation for this Friday's grudge match against traditional cellar dwellers, the Gold Coast Titans. He's enlisted "peak-performance coach" Mick Martin, who has previously worked with Craig Bellamy, AFL clubs and Cricket Australia.

Martin has been sniffing around the training sessions, making comments related to "emotional intelligence," the skill of understanding emotions and how they influence the thoughts and behaviours of athletes. Which will surely make all the difference, in lieue of a captain or play-making half. The Broncos are in safe hands.

Walters said:

“I like Mick. He is like a consultant to me and he helps the players with their preparation. I have worked with Mick at the Storm and Queensland and he is a mentor for myself, the coaches and the players. I’m not sure of his exact title but he is a mentor for the players and coaches and he is working on their mentality.”

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Furthermore Walters expects the return of superstar Anthony Milford, coupled with the injection of Tyson Gamble will give them a massive advantage this Friday night:

“I am very confident. I just want good communication and organisation of the team, that’s what we have been lacking the last few weeks. Tyson is a bigger body defensively on that right side, he is really excited about his first real opportunity as a starting halfback, so it will be great to see him get a chance. What we have been lacking the last few weeks is that authority around our forwards, our forwards have been doing a great job with their ruck play and defensive work and we haven’t been capitalising enough on the play the ball speed they have been providing for our outside backs."

"Milford and Gamble are both experienced players. They have played a lot of football, particularly ‘Milf’ at NRL level and Tyson has played a lot of Intrust Super Cup. I expect them to make the step up ... that’s why I have picked them.”



International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Is this the coach whisperer?
No. That's Bradley Stubbs. He works with "energy fields" rather than "emotional intelligence." Whole different toolset. He does have a PHD in sports psychology.



QCup Player
Jun 4, 2016
The same Mick Martin that played for Nth Melb? Was a tough, ugly buggar form memory that used to man up on Plugger Lockett.

I'm all for brining these guys in. Would be hard listening to the same voice when your as dumb as our players.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
FYI KC is now full of fancy restaraunts, where you pay $37 for 2 sashimi rolls, without egg mayo.



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