Stupid f&*ing ref's **Please state game and date**



NRL Captain
Mar 5, 2008
OK, I've decided we need a dedicated thread to whinge about fucking stupid ref's in Oztag.

Whenever you post your whinge, make sure to add the round and/or date (I don't care if it's only me that bitches, it needs to be done!!)

Round 9 Wed 14 Jan

So, first game back, all the boys are a little pudgee and slow from grazing over the break. Game was always going to be difficult. I raced to the ground as I was late and my heart sank immediately....we drew HER. Yes, you guys know who I'm talking about. i swear, she follows my games like a bad smell.

So, during the game, the following things go against us;

- She call a pass forward, I was in line with it, thought it was good and the guy scored. Disallowed.
- She calls another disallowed, because Eddie jumped through the tackle. Borderline call, fair enough.
- She calls 3 more "blocking with the hands" on our guys before the break and each time we could have scored. Ok, look it's hard to blame her, even though I played the entire game and I couldn't see them blocking, even though I was right next to them each time. 1 or 2...yeah, but 3!!? C'mon!

One of their guys goes down just before halftime, his patella was about 3 inches from where it should be. Nasty as all hell, felt sorry for the chap. However, we lost 5 minutes before the half waiting and then 5 minutes into the next half before she agreed with me (and by this time I'd got the other captain to agree) to move over to the adjacent empty field. P.S. old mate's ambulance arrived, she stopped for about a minute, before Troy told her to keep ref’ing and that he's got it. Now don't get me wrong, I'm glad we stopped and I feel bad for the guy, but we didn't get the time made up in anyway at all, once the buzzer went she called it off.

Second half;

- One of our boys makes a break, his tag comes loose. I'm in support, tell him to play it, I grab it and run, I get tagged from behind by guys still not 10 metres from the ruck. i asked her "how are they onside Ma'am?". Got told she can ref, to keep quiet.
- Another forward call, I was on the other wing can't comment, boys reckon it was way back. Fair enough, give her that one.
- One of their guys throws a pass so forward, it lands on my mates shoes, bounces up, they catch it run through and score. WTF!!!??? How is it not either, a forward or a knock on. This happen in a BHQ game too! If the ball comes in contact with the opposition, there has to be a knock-on in there somewhere!
- One of the boys makes a break, gets tackled in last ditch dive (was a brilliant effort), I am in support, scream for him to play it, I run blind and jump over the opposition player lying on the ground, there is no one around me, one guy coming across form their other wing and I have a winger in support. She blows whistles, "then says, "sorry, you're right no one around you can jump, I just did my usual got ahead of myself. Play it there"...W.T.F! I mean, that's sweet baby, but we could have just fucking scored you blonde bitch.
- I have ball 5 metres from line, 5th tackle do a stupid little grubber, but miraculously it bounces up, I grab it in air over the try line and put it down. No try she says. On this one I'm unsure, yes it bounced "over" the line, but I regathered and put it down before it could bounce or anything???

Anyways we drew 4-4. We are still undefeated, but I hate that woman. If she doesn't get her girls out before the end of season, I will put her on the list. She is lucky she's half hot cuz I am close to pushing her in front of a truck.

P.S. I forgot the icing on the cake! The greatest moment in casual sport! She blew final time, my mate asked what's score (I knew full well it was 4-4), she replies with, "4-3". Old mate from other team says, "to us?". Ref says, "no, to them". They then run off and talk amongst themselve strying to work it out, I stood there, debating if I should do the right thing. in the end, as they came running over to try and explain to her, I said, "You know it's actually 4-4. They scored 3 times in the 2nd half, we scored twice."

Winner. [icon_thumbs_do
Monday 12/1/09- Round 9

Monday night was terrible, called a couple of easy knock backs from Kan forward...right on our own line too. They scored off every one. Also Kan made a tag (on first play) the guy he tagged then went into dummy half for the next 3 tags....nothing happened and they scored off it. Also I made a tag on our own line way before the ball had left the guys hands and they scored off that too...Shaun was to the left of me and said there was no way that was a try. Was and absolute Joke

15/12/08- Round 8

The game before xmas last year was also terrible, same thing happened to Kan. We had line balls called forward and they got given a forward pass which led to a try to make it 11-0 against us.

The guy who scored said I would have told the ref that it wasnt a try if it went forward. I said yeh right mate, I bet you wouldnt say that in a tied game. His reply was whats it matter its not going to affect the result...then I said back all the more reason not to give it.

Also we had 2 refs for that game in the 2nd half and they still couldnt get decisions right, it was a joke. Yes we were never in either of the last 2 games but the refs definitely havent done us any favours.
ROunds 1-9 and all the trials - refs are a joke, learn how to read first then read the rule book haha
Meh, half your complaints are just one eyed whinges Hammo. Forward passes are hard to judge at the best of times (though the one off your teammate's foot is a bit LOL).

Fending? Well, often it's because a player's running style is to have their arms swinging low around their hips. If you make contact with a defender's hand it's a fend. It doesn't have to be intentional to be a penalty.

Re: the injury time though, if he or his teammates weren't comfortable being moved to the sideline then that's just how it is. That she moved it to the other field is actually against guidelines too. Because it's unfair on other situations where there's no spare fields.

A game I played a couple of seasons ago, girl went down 2 minutes in with a buggered knee. Didn't get up. Game got called off because the ambos didn't come for 40 minutes. That's life.

But, you'll be happy to know that Karen, your favourite ref, is moving to Canada on January 27 :P
I know you are her besty Coxy however in your haste to defend her, you haven't answered this;

Hammo said:
I have ball 5 metres from line, 5th tackle do a stupid little grubber, but miraculously it bounces up, I grab it in air over the try line and put it down. No try she says. On this one I'm unsure, yes it bounced "over" the line, but I regathered and put it down before it could bounce or anything???

So is that legal? If I grubber, then regather before it bounces, but it is actually OVER the line, is that a legal try in Oztag?

P.S. You got to admit, for the ref to not mark down or somehow miss an entire try (which she awarded) is kinda LOLZ.
Hammo said:
I know you are her besty Coxy however in your haste to defend her, you haven't answered this;

Hammo said:
I have ball 5 metres from line, 5th tackle do a stupid little grubber, but miraculously it bounces up, I grab it in air over the try line and put it down. No try she says. On this one I'm unsure, yes it bounced "over" the line, but I regathered and put it down before it could bounce or anything???

So is that legal? If I grubber, then regather before it bounces, but it is actually OVER the line, is that a legal try in Oztag?

P.S. You got to admit, for the ref to not mark down or somehow miss an entire try (which she awarded) is kinda LOLZ.

Dude, not saying she's competent, I was merely saying most of the stuff you were whingeing about is typical 50-50 run of play stuff.

But as above, the kick one, you're absolutely right. As long as it has not bounced AND both your feet are in the field of play when you catch the ball, that's a try.

And yes, to miss an entire try and get the score wrong? That's unforgiveable.
I'm not saying you are saying she's competent.....

I just confuzzld myself a little
I'm not saying you're saying I'm saying she's competent.

But seriously, one thing that irks me about her and some of the other referees is that they won't take constructive advice from a fellow referee. I try and talk to them after a game in which they've made a few mistakes and try and explain the rules to them and they're like "whatever".

At one point I got the shits and said "look, I've refereed for 4 years. If you don't want to take advantage of my experience, that's fine, but don't expect me to treat you with respect next time you referee me".
True, however if you just played that game, it would be difficlt for them to take advice as they may feel you have a conflict of interest.

That said; I'm not saying you not saying you're saying I'm saying she's competent.

Yeah I know, especially if I've raised some things with them during the game. But it's even been the case when I've just finished refereeing, have a break between games and just watching them go around and seeing them have a few blunders. Either half time or after the game I have a chat, and they give me that attitude.


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