NEWS TC likes banging the big guys

TC Robati has a fan in Sam Burgess:

“I am trying to play like Sam Burgess, I loved watching Burgess, he was one of my inspirational players. He actually sent me a video before my debut, so hopefully I’m not letting him down. It’s great to be in the NRL. I love being in there with the big fellas like Payne Haas … I like banging the big guys."

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Household name

“I was over here by myself, which was hard. All my family were back in New Zealand, so I just thought put my head down and arse up and get the job done. I’m just trying to keep it simple. I just run hard and tackle hard … you can’t go wrong just playing to your strengths in the NRL.”

Logan schoolteacher, and Poland national coach, Lee Addison first spotted Teui while holidaying in Auckland:

“The wind and rain was blowing horizontally in Auckland and I managed to get under some shelter to watch this rep game. This kid took a hit-up, broke the line and tore away on a 40-metre run and I knew he had something special. I thought immediately that I’d found the next Martin Lang. He was so brave and had no care in the world what happened to his body. TC still reminds me of Martin Lang because he plays with no thought for self-preservation. He is still fearless and runs like a lunatic."

“I spoke to TC and his family after the game and it turned out that his cousin Evander Tere-Rongotaua was already coming over to Australia because he had signed with the Roosters. TC hadn’t been noticed and I suggested he come across too. He ended up playing for us at Mabel Park High in Year 11 and living with family in Logan.”

“TC has added footwork and other dimensions to his game. When he was with us I kept telling him to use his shoulder in tackles and get under the ball because he just wanted to smash people front-on. TC is also a very loyal person. It is not the easiest time in the world to be a Bronco but he won’t have any other thoughts than getting them out of the trouble they are in, so it is no surprise to me that he re-signed with them.”



QCup Player
Feb 1, 2017
"TC is also a very loyal person. It is not the easiest time in the world to be a Bronco but he won’t have any other thoughts than getting them out of the trouble they are in, so it is no surprise to me that he re-signed with them.”

This is what we want, hope we find a starting spot for him, he offers a lot with his offloads and passing game but Riki has really improved too lately.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
I’m not sure about that title.


BRL Player
Oct 22, 2013
“…I loved watching Burgess…. He actually sent me a video… I love being in there with the big fellas … I like banging the big guys."
“I was over here by myself, which was hard. … I just thought put my head down and arse up.”
“…He was so brave and had no care in the world what happened to his body..”
Edited for maximum innuendo


NRL Captain
Sep 22, 2016
Big Papi, TC Hammer and Katoeni might have some lucrative 3rd party deals in the future driving buses or Taxis?

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