Time for a Super League type coup to save RL



NYC Player
Dec 12, 2019
V'landys and Abdo etc are ruining the NRL.

From the overwhelming voices of the fans, coaches, ex players and media... the game is going down the toilet.
It seems like the majority of teams would possibly jump ship to another competition. One with less overbearing rules appearing every second week.

Just need a couple of cashed up megafan$$$ / moguls to start a new comp, and the worst case, like the late 90s Super League situation, is the competition uniting again, resulting in a meeting in the middle with game rules.


State of Origin Captain
Oct 28, 2013
V'landys and Abdo etc are ruining the NRL.

From the overwhelming voices of the fans, coaches, ex players and media... the game is going down the toilet.
It seems like the majority of teams would possibly jump ship to another competition. One with less overbearing rules appearing every second week.

Just need a couple of cashed up megafan$$$ / moguls to start a new comp, and the worst case, like the late 90s Super League situation, is the competition uniting again, resulting in a meeting in the middle with game rules.
The media love a witch-hunt. If vlandys keeps this shit up they’ll eviscerate him


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
The media love a witch-hunt. If vlandys keeps this shit up they’ll eviscerate him
Yep, he is manipulating the narrative in every possible way as well.
Go look at the NRL website news page, not a single negative remark around these changes, and plenty of links to support from people like Robinson and Bennett who has been selectively quoted out of context.

This is in direct contrast to other forms of nrl news and social media, where V'landys and the magic round are being burnt at the stake for the debacle surrounding it.

The commentators are all pushing PVL's narrative as well, which is evident by the fact that we saw multiple commentators on Friday night damning the rule changes, yet we have heard barely a peep out of them for the remainder of the round.

100% PVL went into damage control after Friday night, and as a result we have had 2 games of footy completely fucked by knee-jerk rule implementations that the rest of the round are officiated differently by.


NRL Player
Feb 28, 2015
The greasy prick was on the continuous call team on the radio today for a quick interview. Brohman in particular stood his ground and said it was wrong and unnecessary as intentional foul play has already been taken out of the game and that most contact with the head is accidental and that you can’t regulate against accidental contact. All V’landys could counter with was that foul play head contact has to be officiated out of the game. They all said, “but it’s accidental nearly all the time”, but he chose to go down the emotive path of, “won’t somebody think of the children.”
Brohman even brought up Tedesco being just as responsible for his head knocks as the defender as he is always falling into the tackles or backing in.

All the listener feedback was negative towards the fat prick and believe that the game is being ruined.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Yep, make it happen, for the good of the game, seriously.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
I really can’t see the game surviving as is. He’ll never admit it publicly but I’m sure after this weekend we’ll see an easing up on the sin bins, and he’ll use the reduced sin bins as evidence that it’s working.

The game seriously can’t survive 1 or 2 guaranteed sin bins per game.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
I really can’t see the game surviving as is. He’ll never admit it publicly but I’m sure after this weekend we’ll see an easing up on the sin bins, and he’ll use the reduced sin bins as evidence that it’s working.

The game seriously can’t survive 1 or 2 guaranteed sin bins per game.
Yep, just wait till its an Origin decider or a GF and the game is decided on the back of sin bins. Nail, meet coffin.


NRL Player
Jun 1, 2014
It's fine to "crack down" on head highs but it needs to occur from Rd 1. But you still need some grey area as the Tedesco incident shows. Also you cannot punish legs tackles the way we do calling "get of him" the moment they're on the ground.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
It's fine to "crack down" on head highs but it needs to occur from Rd 1. But you still need some grey area as the Tedesco incident shows. Also you cannot punish legs tackles the way we do calling "get of him" the moment they're on the ground.
But they put the discretion in there with the whole forceful contact or whatever the **** they said Gamble's one was.

There can't be any suggestion that there's forceful contact or intention from the cows player when Teddy drops to his knees a split second before the tackle.

I think they even had one for accidental contact to the head being a penalty, but not reportable.... the tackle on Teddy is the definition of accidental.

It's a penalty all day (as is any contact to the head), but it's not reportable and it's definitely not a sin binning.

It's just the refs fucking up yet again, because "he was tackled too hard"


NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
But they put the discretion in there with the whole forceful contact or whatever the **** they said Gamble's one was.

There can't be any suggestion that there's forceful contact or intention from the cows player when Teddy drops to his knees a split second before the tackle.

I think they even had one for accidental contact to the head being a penalty, but not reportable.... the tackle on Teddy is the definition of accidental.

It's a penalty all day (as is any contact to the head), but it's not reportable and it's definitely not a sin binning.

It's just the refs fucking up yet again, because "he was tackled too hard"
Falling into a tackle and copping an accidental head knock typically would not have even been a penalty previously as the attacker was largely at fault. It should have been play on. If anything, the player introducing danger is actually Teddy for doing it on purpose several times per game. Bin him for his own safety /s


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Falling into a tackle and copping an accidental head knock typically would not have even been a penalty previously as the attacker was largely at fault. It should have been play on. If anything, the player introducing danger is actually Teddy for doing it on purpose several times per game. Bin him for his own safety /s
Pretty sure it was still a penalty every time the arm, etc. makes contact with the head ... can recall the ref saying plenty of times previously that it doesn't matter if they've slipped in the tackle contact to the head is still a penalty

They don't typically end up getting any suspensions, put on report or binned for it though... and the one last night shouldn't have been a sin binning either because it was completely accidental.

If their new interpretations mean the Teddy one must always be a sin bin then their new rules are flat out wrong and they are completely inept for not seeing it that way before implementing in the first place.


NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
There have been plenty of those let go unless there's a swinging arm.... maybe not recently under the new administration, but in years gone by that would very likely have been play on.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
Give it time guys, No way the current administration keeps with this fruad, half the media(especially the murdoch press) are completely in bed this bullshit, but none of the public wants this shit.

They go on with player welfare bullshit yet the rules they made have made the game way more dangerous for the players, not only that but barely any of the games are close any more.

We all long for the day we go back to Pre Covid rules.


QCup Player
Jul 20, 2017
Well I just watched 8 live games, and I reckon there was about 30 minutes combined where there was any real tension or doubt in who the winner would be.
What a colossal **** up these rules are. There's no tension.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Well I just watched 8 live games, and I reckon there was about 30 minutes combined where there was any real tension or doubt in who the winner would be.
What a colossal **** up these rules are. There's no tension.

6 of the 8 games this round had 13+ margins

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