Wow, This lady Criticising rugby league badly

[icon_lol1. Egg on this bitch's face much? Nick D'Arcy rattling a former Olympian's teeth while celebrating his team selection.

Wonderful athletes and role models, the lot of them! [icon_wink

What happened to Kimlo? I miss the little guy...
Who really cares about swimming anyway, it's a doomed sport and eventually must come to a shuddering conclusion. The records will cease to be broken, it will be the same drivel until people get sick of it. It will wither and die, maybe they'll allow drugs into it to add spice , maybe even new records !!!

Then we'll have two divisions....first will be drug-free(chortle)...then drug-enhanced records.I for one cannot wait to see the big barrel chests,shaved to perfection,the bulging pectorals and heavily veined thighs.....and imagine what the men would look like too !!!

The best part of swimming is the post race interview with the sex of your choice.....all wet, panting and slick LOL
it's a bit of stupid article considering the swimmer that just got sacked foospital.r putting a guy in h
666 said:
it's a bit of stupid article considering the swimmer that just got sacked foospital.r putting a guy in h

[icon_drun [icon_evillaugh