Darren Lockyer future coach?


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
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I know i'm posting this a month late but I want to know what you guys think of this. Personally I think Darren should have some expirience first the Broncos under 20's would be a good place to start. Remember the best players dont make the best coaches. Remember Wally Lewis awesome player crap coach. I also think it's stupid that some suggest just because he was a great player he will make a great coach.

I don't think it will happen any time soon.
Maybe/Maybe Not...... I honestly couldn't give a ####. As long as Hook is doing a good job I don't want to know about any other coaching option.
Maybe/Maybe Not...... I honestly couldn't give a ####. As long as Hook is doing a good job I don't want to know about any other coaching option.
+1, if Hook is doing a good job, Lockyer or not I would prefer he kept the role.

I don't think former players make the best coaches, especially when they're coaching half the people they played with.

As for QLD, well maybe but still not soon. I'd say you'd need to be retired for at least 4-5 years first.
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Hook as coach for years to come, Locky to come back after a year or two away from the game as assistant/skills coach, maybe at the same time serving a coaching apprenticeship.
I'd say it is a few years off but it wouldn't surprise me to see Lockyer coach the Maroons. If he is serious about being a fulltime coach I'd love for him to coach QLD cup for a few years then do an apprenticeship. He is only young he has all the time in the world.
I love Hook as a coach. He is a great coach and is able to make anyone reach their full potential, I hope he stays on long into the future. What he did last year was outstanding, Inglis and ditched us and Henjack was sacked, we were getting smashed by the media and Hook was called in at the last minute. Hook made the boys put that behind them and the Broncos played the most entertaining and consistent footy i've seen since the premiership win in 2006. ONYA HOOK
hes already said hes not interested in coaching, why does it keep coming up just because OTHER people want him to be a coach?

great player does not automatically equal great coach. just because he can do something doesnt mean he can teach others to do it, and theres more to coaching than just knowing how to read a game of footy.

If he was to coach, i think an origin gig could be up his alley. at origin level, its more about people skills than actually footy coaching. theyre the best of the best (usually lol), they dont need that much coaching. hed have the best staff around him, all he would have to do is point out weaknesses/advantages, motivate, etc.

but still, he doesnt want to coach and i dont want him to coach in case he did turn out to be a dud coach.
I agree with AP. it's rare for any great player to make a great coach. There are, of course, exceptions, but I tend to think that the best coaches are the players who couldn't survive on their talent alone and were forced to think about the game more. Lockyer was such a smart player he might be an exception, but I wouldn't rush to hire him.

I also agree SoO would be best, as Lockyers legend would mean more at that level.
hes already said hes not interested in coaching, why does it keep coming up just because OTHER people want him to be a coach?

great player does not automatically equal great coach. just because he can do something doesnt mean he can teach others to do it, and theres more to coaching than just knowing how to read a game of footy.

If he was to coach, i think an origin gig could be up his alley. at origin level, its more about people skills than actually footy coaching. theyre the best of the best (usually lol), they dont need that much coaching. hed have the best staff around him, all he would have to do is point out weaknesses/advantages, motivate, etc.

but still, he doesnt want to coach and i dont want him to coach in case he did turn out to be a dud coach.

No he hasn't.


DARREN Lockyer has revealed the Brisbane Broncos are the only NRL team he wants to coach, and his dream scenario would involve serving an apprenticeship under master coach Wayne Bennett.

Holy crap. You were wrong. And you can't argue because it's not my opinion!!!!
No he hasn't.


Holy crap. You were wrong. And you can't argue because it's not my opinion!!!!
he has said it in the past, but he looks to have opened the possibility to changing his tune if the right position opens - and an NRL coaching position is still off the cards.

these articles were AFTER that one that you posted - he was a season off retiring when that article you linked was written.

the one in this very thread: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sp...-as-origin-coach/story-e6frexnr-1226237504417

"Lockyer, who played 36 times for Queensland between 1998 and 2011 - 20 as skipper - is keen to act as a consultant to NRL clubs but is not interested in full-time coaching."

or this: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/n...les-out-comeback/story-e6frfgbo-1226202798167

"Lockyer is adamant there will be no shock comeback and he is not interested in coaching.

"I don't have the desire to do that in the immediate future," he said.

"I have my future mapped out for the next two years and coaching is not part of that but I would never say never."

and then in this one just the other day he spoke about possibly considering coaching QLD - not a full time NRL team coaching job - in 4 years time after Mal: http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport...gin-coaching-job/story-e6frep66-1226237791552

"If, at the end of Mal's contract, I felt I was the right man for the job, and Queensland did as well, I would consider it. In the last couple of years Mal and I discussed a few things (about the future)."
So Lockyer isn't interested in coaching but he said he will consider it down the track....
He should coach other teams before the Broncos (even if they are QLD cup teams) if he seriously starts to consider coaching. Dealing with unfamiliar atmosphere is for the best IMO, and we wouldn't want him to end up like Nathan Brown or Brad Fittler.
Umm. AP.

"Lockyer is adamant there will be no shock comeback and he is not interested in coaching.

"I don't have the desire to do that in the immediate future," he said.

"I have my future mapped out for the next two years and coaching is not part of that but I would never say never."

First one is someone else talking for him.

Immediate future / 2 years. So none of those quotes are him saying that he doesn't want to coach.

So in saying that. My article, where he says he is open to coaching the Brisbane Broncos, is correct, and still makes you wrong. Because even with your examples, it just proves further that you are wrong.

For the next 2 years, sure, but he has hardly ruled it out.
/Can of Worms

Umm. AP.

First one is someone else talking for him.

Immediate future / 2 years. So none of those quotes are him saying that he doesn't want to coach.

So in saying that. My article, where he says he is open to coaching the Brisbane Broncos, is correct, and still makes you wrong. Because even with your examples, it just proves further that you are wrong.

For the next 2 years, sure, but he has hardly ruled it out.[/COLOR]
I wonder how AP is gonna get out of this one. You'd think that after bagging out Lockyer ever since being on this forum he would've learnt to stay out of debates concerning the great man. (shouldn't be Broncos or Qld 5/8th, should retire from rep footy, Locky is forever consigned to the list of players that played 1 year too long)
We need an ask AP thread because he is never wrong and I could use the right answer every once and a while.