Darren Lockyer future coach?

Pfft, who cares what Darren Lockyer says? Just make sure he knows what AP thinks and he'll step in line. And he'll even add a few stripes to his shirts!
So Lockyer isn't interested in coaching but he said he will consider it down the track....

coaching origin != coaching an NRL team

he has now said that IN 4 YEARS TIME if he feels that he is up to it he may consider coaching origin.

taking that as 'he wants to coach the broncos!!!' is a stretch, but hey, thats what you get on this forum. guess i shouldve expected it.

1. shouldn't be Broncos or Qld 5/8th,
2. should retire from rep footy
3. Locky is forever consigned to the list of players that played 1 year too long

1. Never said that. I knew he had to move to 5/8th for the Broncos. as for QLD, well its debatable if he HAD to move when we had players like Cronk/Thurston/Prince playing the house down week in week out and at rep level.
2. I was never proven wrong on that one, as the QLD team proved that they could win without him, and his overall influence on the team was far less than it used to be before we had Thurston/Cronk/Prince/Smith/Slater. He wasnt QLDs best player for any of the last few years of Origins, and Cooper Cronk was arguably in better form than him throughout the NRL seasons as well. whos to say we wouldnt have gone even better with Cronk in the number 7 and Thurston in the 6? just because a player plays in the winning team doesnt mean theyre the best man for the team.
3. I said it was looking like he might be - and when i said it, he was. he was playing very poorly, was getting injured left right and centre, and didnt even look like he was enjoying playing.

but sure, the guy who thinks a Halfback isnt a playmaker role knows best, right jeb? ;)
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coaching origin != coaching an NRL team

Does it matter what he coaches?? You have said he is not interested in coaching at all which has been proven wrong. I shouldn't be surprised that you lack the character to accept being wrong and move on. :shake:
DARREN Lockyer has revealed the Brisbane Broncos are the only NRL team he wants to coach, and his dream scenario would involve serving an apprenticeship under master coach Wayne Bennett.

And this....
Does it matter what he coaches?? You have said he is not interested in coaching at all which has been proven wrong. I shouldn't be surprised that you lack the character to accept being wrong and move on. :shake:

when he retired he said he had no interest in coaching at all, so dont shoot the messenger.

now, when asked, he has said that IN 4 YEARS TIME if he feels he is up to it he MIGHT give it a shot at coaching QUEENSLAND - not an NRL team.

I dont lack character at all - i wasnt wrong in the first place, i was just quoting what the man himself said. if you say "3+3 = 109" and i then say to someone "Beads said that 3+3=109", I'm not wrong. youre wrong. i was simply quoting you.

heres another link where he said he wasnt interested: http://www.triplem.com.au/sydney/sp...ckyer-to-coach-the-broncos/20110329-bu84.html

"Interestingly, Monday Night Football hosts Joey Johns and Peter Sterling raised it with Lockyer: After the year off, would you consider coaching? His response:

"I have no desire to get involved with that. As I said, I just want to take 12 months off and I guess evaluate where everything is"."

so am I wrong for taking his answer of "I have no desire to get involved with that" when asked "would you consider coaching?" as meaning that he in fact has no desire to coach? or is it that hes just changed his mind?

Nashy, if you actually read your link, nowhere does he actually say he wants to coach the broncos. read it again.

here are HIS quotes - not things made by the journalist:

"It [coaching] is one of those things that I feel like I have got something to offer,"

"I am a Bronco and I would never change that ... I wouldn't see myself coaching another NRL club.
-note that saying he wouldnt coach another club isnt the same as saying he will coach this club.

"I'm sure if Wayne Bennett was to throw his hat in the ring for the Broncos job in 2012, it would be a game man to bet against him.
- he mentioned 2012...why would he mention that as there was literally no way he wouldve applied to be our coach the year after he retires?

"As an aspiring coach, working for Wayne Bennett is probably the best apprenticeship that you can do."
- im sure thats true - but where in that did he say that he wants to do an apprenticeship under bennett?

"Sitting beside him in his office and talking about how to manage players would be a valuable lesson for me,"
- im sure it would, just like sitting in Gillards office and talking about how to (attempt to) run a government would be a valuable lesson. doesnt mean he wants to be PM just cause it would be valuable.

"Knowing the tactics of the game and how to win is one thing, but it's also how to manage men that is probably more important. I'm excited with that sort of stuff. Wayne Bennett's record speaks for itself, and any aspiring coach would have to be excited to work with Wayne."
- again, nowhere does he actually say that he wants to coach. any up and coming coach would be excited to work with bennett - again, doesnt say that he wants to do it.

"You would love to be on his assistant coaching staff, learning the trade from him."
- again with the generalizations.

"To be sure that is what I want to do, I think I just need a bit of time away when I finish playing, just to make sure I really miss the game. "
- well that certainly doesnt strike me as "I want to coach the broncos", how about you?

"If I come back into that sort of role, I want to put my toe in the water to see if I like it and see if it likes me."
- which goes back to his other quotes of being an adviser with the team to see if he even wants to have anything to do with coaching.

dont read between the lines - just read the actual lines.
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I'm not arguing the fact that he may not coach the Broncos, just as you aren't. Your argument is that he doesn't want to coach, when he says he does.

You're ####ing wrong dude, just ####ing admit it, or walk away.
I'm not arguing the fact that he may not coach the Broncos, just as you aren't. Your argument is that he doesn't want to coach, when he says he does.

You're ####ing wrong dude, just ####ing admit it, or walk away.

i am arguing the fact that he may not coach the broncos lol. take a look at the posts before my first:

Maybe/Maybe Not...... I honestly couldn't give a ####. As long as Hook is doing a good job I don't want to know about any other coaching option.

+1, if Hook is doing a good job, Lockyer or not I would prefer he kept the role.

Hook as coach for years to come, Locky to come back after a year or two away from the game as assistant/skills coach, maybe at the same time serving a coaching apprenticeship.

If he is serious about being a fulltime coach....

I love Hook as a coach. He is a great coach and is able to make anyone reach their full potential, I hope he stays on long into the future.

and AGAIN - no, im NOT wrong. if darren lockyer himself says "IM NOT INTERESTED IN COACHING", and i quote him on that, if he comes back 12 months later and says "lols I am interested in coaching now" YOU DONT GO "HAHA STUART YOU ARE WRONG!" lol. i wasnt wrong, Lockyer just changed his mind. was i wrong about quoting him saying something that he literally did say? no. im just quoting. the fact that you think someone ELSE changing their mind makes ME wrong shows your attitude towards pretty much anything that i post.
Yeah, so if we were having this argument 6 months ago, you'd be right. But we aren't, so you aren't!
Yeah, so if we were having this argument 6 months ago, you'd be right. But we aren't, so you aren't!

lol no.

he still hasnt said he wants to coach an NRL team! hes said hes open to the idea of coaching the state of origin team. that is a HUGE difference to being a full time head coach of an NRL team. I give Mal Meninga all the credit in the world for what he did with this origin team. He has been a HUGE reason why theyve won 6 series in a row - but I'm not dumb enough to think that his coaching role is the same as a regular NRL coaches is. Meninga doesnt get rookies or guys who arent good at defending or attacking or this and that. Meninga doesnt get guys who need to be 'mentored' and steered on the right track. Meninga gets the best of the best, and its his job to get the best out of them as a team and individually for 3 games that are 3 weeks apart each. theyre completely different jobs.

the article you posted about him supposedly wanting to coach the broncos is 12 months old now. he still hasnt said he'd like to coach the Broncos, only that in 4 years time he might be interested in coaching QLD. me quoting things saying hes not interested in coaching full time are still relevant because to my knowledge, since he retired, he has said nothing to go back on those quotes.

look at the dates of the articles for crying out loud - your one where the JOURNALIST says that lockyer wants to coach the Broncos, despite Lockyer never actually saying anything of the sort, is from Feb 2011. my link where he says "I have no desire to get involved with that. " when asked if he'd like to coach an NRL club after he retires was in March 2011. remind me, which comes first - February or March?
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You didn't claim he wasn't interested in NRL coaching, you claimed he wasn't interested in coaching at all.

hes already said hes not interested in coaching, why does it keep coming up just because OTHER people want him to be a coach?.
You Said:

hes already said hes not interested in coaching, why does it keep coming up just because OTHER people want him to be a coach?

My Interpretation:

Darren Lockyer has said he doesn't want to ever be a coach.

Darren Lockyer Said:

"It [coaching] is one of those things that I feel like I have got something to offer,"
I am a Bronco and I would never change that ... I wouldn't see myself coaching another NRL club.

My Interpretation:

Darren Lockyer thinks he can be a good coach.

Darren Lockyer ALSO said:

I don't have the desire to do that in the immediate future," he said.
"I have my future mapped out for the next two years and coaching is not part of that but I would never say never.

My Interpretation:

Darren Lockyer doesn't see coaching in the near future, but would consider it in the future. The very article AP is using to make me believe he is right, is the one article that helps me prove that he is wrong, I wonder how long he's going to argue for

Darren Lockyer said:

I'm flattered by what Mal has had to say, and I'm passionate about Origin," he told
The Courier-Mail
. "It's part of my DNA."I understand the culture, the environment and what is important at that level."I'm enjoying having a break, but I'll help (Queensland) wherever I can. Perhaps a minor involvement this year would give me an idea of what is involved on the other side of the fence.
"If, at the end of Mal's contract, I felt I was the right man for the job, and Queensland did as well, I would consider it. In the last couple of years Mal and I discussed a few things (about the future).

My Interpretation:

What the hell is AP going on about. All the articles he linked me to have quotes from Lockyer himself saying the complete opposite to what he's saying. It seems strange that such an intelligent Brisbane Broncos fan could misinterpret direct quotes against his very argument. I wonder how long he will argue the fact that he is right, even when his sources show he's wrong.
Is it just me or have we had this discussion before?

Oh, no, it's just a usual AP vs BHQ discussion.
Is it just me or have we had this discussion before?

Oh, no, it's just a usual AP vs BHQ discussion.

It is the usual AP is wrong but can't admit it argument that just keeps on rearing its ugly head.
And then later on down the track, when it's proven beyond all doubt that he's wrong, instead of admitting he was wrong he'll say he never said it in the first place.


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