2021 Trial #2 - Broncos vs Cowboys [LIVE STREAM]

dead inside the office GIF
We are playing too scared of the 6 again, need to lie all over them like the Cowboys are doing. It's that simple right?
And everytime we have some type of momentum where we should be spreading it we go to lodge or similar and just kill any momentum
Adding Milford to this is not going to improve our defence
I’m sick of saying it but why are non of our forwards running onto the ball? We does lodge and Carrigan just stand still and walk into the defensive line
I think you are all overreacting their is a lot of changes happening for us and fleglers discipline and Kennars errors as wel as our fringe players defence is killing us... anyone that is key hasn’t been bad
Uhh I haven’t watched since before half time.. wtf happened? Have we taken our foot off?
So much for us looking fit. 2nd half fadeaway from about the 41st minute as good as it has ever been.
Tale of two halves this one. It is uncanny how badly we've fallen apart after ONE bad call

Yep, this was one of my concerns and clearly, nothing has changed.

Losing has become a habit for these guys sadly. Whenever calls go against them or the opposition goes up a gear, our team does goes to water.


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