Terms and rules

BroncosHQ Terms and Rules

We welcome you to participate in the BroncosHQ Community, however as with all social circles there are a few rules you must abide by in order to maintain your active membership on the forum. The following rules apply to all members and staff choosing to use BroncosHQ. BroncosHQ operates an automated warning point system. If we issue a warning to you, you will be advised via a full screen notification with details of the warning.

Reporting Posts

We understand from time to time, that some may step out of line, and you may feel personally attacked. Do not call that user out and continue the argument on the public forums. Use the report feautre to inform the staff, and use the ignore feature to ignore future posts from that person. Being baited into an argument is not an excuse should your account fall in violation of our rules.

Warning Types

BroncosHQ staff have a number of moderation tools that we use based on the circumstance. Some of the common used tools we use are;
  • Warnings - Recorded on your account with no warning points
  • Warning Points - Recorded and active on your account for 12 months
  • Further warning points will extend that timeframe an extra 12 months
  • Thread Bans
  • Temporary Bans
  • Permanant Bans
Ban Length / Type Points Expires
24 Hour Ban 5 -
48 Hour Ban 7 -
7 Day Ban 9 -
30 Day Ban 11 -
Permanant Ban 12 -


Offence Points Expires
Off-Topic / Thread Derailment 1 6 Months
Inappropriate Content 1 6 Months
 Advertising / Spam 1 12 Months
Insult another member 2 12 Months
Ignore Staff Request 2 12 Months
Spreading Misinformation  3 12 Months
Grossly Inappropriate Content 3 12 Months
Illegal Content 3 12 Months
Racism / Bigotry (7 Day Ban) 9 12 Months

Discussing moderation on the forums is not allowed. If you wish to discuss moderation, you must open a thread in staff chat.

No Alternate Accounts.

Should you be disciplined with a restriction or ban, you are not allowed to open a new account to obtain freedom to post. Restrictions and bans are given for a reason, and usurping that ability by re-registering is not tolerated. If another account is opened, that account will be banned immediately, and the original account will be further penalised.

Age Restrictions

By posting on BroncosHQ you agree that you are 18 years of age, or older. Any younger viewers are expected to have permission from a parent. BroncosHQ is under no obligation to confirm the age of its members.

Reporting System Abuse

Do not abuse the report system. While we appreciate members reporting bad behavior, or posts, please do not use this system to post rude comments or retaliate against other members. Reported posts will be handled as soon as possible.

No Spamming.

Spamming is characterized by the initiation of threads or posts that contribute nothing to a forum, be it off topic or on topic. Examples include: empty bodies, bodies with few words that have no relation to the current thread or discussion and those posts that state they are spam, either to annoy, advertise or increase a member's post count. Resurrecting old forum posts is also not appreciated unless it serves a worthy cause to the forum. This determination is made by the forum Moderator or Administrator and is not up for discussion. If you wish to advertise any product or business in your signature, you must do so with previous approval from an Administrator.

No Graphic Material of either a macabre or pornographic nature

Any posts or links to such content will not be tolerated. Posts with images or attachments must remain work friendly.

No Links to copyrighted files

Links to any downloadable copyrighted files is prohibited. Uploading of copyrighted works, or any torrent or other file to enable to the download of copyrighted material is prohibited.

Do not circumvent the profanity filter

You have the option to view and post swear words which are otherwise restricted. You can turn this on or off from your member settings. Circumventing the word filter is not allowed, and if you wish to swear, we request you turn the censor off.

No Racism, Discrimination, Bigotry and Hate Speech

BroncosHQ does not allow posts of this nature. Offences of this nature carry our highest infraction points. Breaches will be met with an automatic ban from BroncosHQ.


Stop. Reporting. Baiting.

Personal Attacks

Personal attacks on other members of BroncosHQ are not acceptable. If you feel you are being attacked, or unfairly targeted by another member, please report a post you feel needs to be looked at.


Please post on topic and within the subject area of the sub-forum. If your topic does not fit, please use our General Discussion area. If you have questions on the correct content area, please open a thread in staff chat.

Use a title that describes the content of your post. Don't use all caps or special characters, including mobile phone emojis, to draw attention to your post.

All live game information should be in the appropriate forums. Please be mindful, and use the spoiler tags if you are posting about sports, television, or movies.

You must post on BroncosHQ in the English language. We understand some people struggle with spelling, and correct grammar, but it is appreciated that you attempt to write correctly.

Staff Discretion

All rules are applied and enforced at the discretion of the staff. We reserve the right to change these rules at any time without notice. In some cases, we may refuse registration, or membership, to any member account we see fit.

Ad Blocking

BroncosHQ runs advertising, and a subscription option if you wish to remove the advertising while browsing. BroncosHQ employs some techniques to detect adblocking, and some features maybe disabled if your account is detected as blocking advertising.

BroncosHQ is an Internet Website

People can be mean on the internet, and may say things to attempt to get under your skin, and fish for a reaction. You reacting is what they want. If you react to this, and break a rule, your account will be moderated accordingly.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
