Do you guys do anything but complain about something the NRL does?
Instead of complaining about the music. How's about backing up your hatred with a song suggestion the NRL should consider.
I really don't like it. I like how Shane Mattiske says in the press conference "We listened to the fans and clubs". I bet there are a few pissed off fans and pissed off clubs since its release.
Everyone has been paying attention to the dangerous shoulder charges.
What about the ones that happen near the touchline or try line. Usually performed by that last player who hasn't got the time to get his arms ready to tackle and basically goes for a push or shoulder bump to take the...
By that idea - we will have to ban players actually running the ball, incase the tackling player gets into the wrong position and gets concussed. We also better stop kicking the ball as a few players in the past have been knocked out and concussed for taking a clean shot to the melon from a...
Freeman is really starting to show some amazing plays at QB to pull that win off. Throwing into 3 man coverage was a huge gamble and that play action for the 2 point conversion still fools me. I almost closed the radio app thinking it was over with 2 to go but glad I kept listening to that...
I think it is also the fact that his name and image are his brand. Anything negative about Souths can possibly hurt his own brand so for that he and PHAC were perfectionists. Russell handled the image of the players and had a huge input into the merchandise catalogue, improving it into becoming...
$90 is our non ticketed membership. We have a 3 game membership for $110. GA season ticket is $210 and a reserved seat ST is $330.
So I am pretty sure we could very much pay a bit more for a share in the club if they went that route of member ownership but I highly doubt it at this point in time.
There is a press conference on tomorrow, so it will be interesting to see what will be said.
My biggest concern is his ability to attract players that Richo can't. I don't care about the suits or the boat trips but Richo is a pretty good CEO at band aid solutions but not long time fixes and big...
Kearney - This is the Broncos right? Why the hell did we buy an under performing halfback for a few years? Didn't you see Sandow last year? He was the reason we sucked.
Rest - *Laugh* You couldn't win with a cheating Storm team.
I really want to know how these 2 refs are the first to go. I can think of 2 other refs who are titled as the top refs. Who make similar mistakes every game (including rep and final matches) as well as over many seasons and they some how still have their jobs.
Imo it should have been classed as a knock on. Hits his arm while attempting to catch it, even if it is due to a deflection from his chest. Though I am expecting the "it didn't touch his hands" arguement, so play on and the try was the correct call.