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  1. Playboy Bunny

    Charity Shield on pay tv *SPOILERS*

    You love it
  2. Playboy Bunny

    Charity Shield on pay tv *SPOILERS*

    lol...**** you heard me!
  3. Playboy Bunny

    Rowdy the legend

    It does sound a little bit suspicious but whether alcohol was a factor or whatever else hopefully he pulls through and then they can take it from there.
  4. Playboy Bunny

    Penriths 1st Gay Male Cheerleader

    exactly Dara. The guys who bag them out are just jealous ;)
  5. Playboy Bunny

    Rabbitohs begin their season with a lol

    Been watching Matt Mundine in the under20s the last two weeks and he definately has some talent there but I don't think his fitness is up to first grade level just yet. We went to cronulla today to watch them play and they walked right in front of us and he is a biiiiig boy. He sure can kick though!
  6. Playboy Bunny

    Jared Kahu walks away from league

    Then on the other hand if his heart isn't in it and he doesn't wanna play then it's probably best not to force him.
  7. Playboy Bunny

    Rabbitohs begin their season with a lol

    LOL..ah geeze I love you all. Seriously nibble nibble nibble my pretties.
  8. Playboy Bunny

    Penriths 1st Gay Male Cheerleader

    I am too lazy to read the whole 3 pages but I don't see whats the big surprise about a male cheerleader. They have had them for years.
  9. Playboy Bunny

    Rabbitohs begin their season with a lol

    Considering he has just been re-signed for another 3 years...I don't think so. Ah well it could be worse....3 players...1 girl and a toilet....
  10. Playboy Bunny

    Bird denied visa

    To be honest I cant see why anyone is shocked?? It was pretty obvious.
  11. Playboy Bunny

    Sydney Oztag Round 11 2/2/09

    Winter absolutely sucks if you are a supporter standing on the sideline....
  12. Playboy Bunny

    4th club sacks Taumata

    I could not believe it when I heard it on the news....
  13. Playboy Bunny

    Australian Open thread

    Six is a huge number to have won by 22 years old. I didn't realise it was that many.
  14. Playboy Bunny

    Australian Open thread

    woo hoo go Nadal! I'm really glad that he won.
  15. Playboy Bunny

    Crocker denied Visa

    ah well..too bad so sad
  16. Playboy Bunny

    Moi Moi Facing sack

    They won't sack him even if he isn't telling the truth. They can't afford to lose him. Although I wouldn't mind him back at Souths.
  17. Playboy Bunny

    Dragons out to attract Benji, Locky, Hunt

    I really can't see any of those 3 going to the Dragqueens.
  18. Playboy Bunny

    Warrior's Star presumed drowned - Sonny Fai

    Read about this earlier. Very sad indeed. I was watching a beach rescue show a while ago and they were saying they have generally 3hours (i think?? maybe an hour??) to find someone out at sea and still have some hope in keeping them alive. The dude they had on the show did actually die which was...
  19. Playboy Bunny

    Ennis/Hannant as dogs

    You have to be kidding to believe anything a player says. I remember Souths had a fan night or something and Ash Harrison said he won't be going to the Roosters....two or three days later he had signed with them. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. Unfortunately you rarely find any players who will stay...

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