Rowdy the legend

hmmmm...high speed crash, failed to take a roundabout...suggests negligent speeding on his part. What a shame.
Mum knows Dale's sister in law. From all accounts a great bloke, lets keep the negligent speeding comments out of this thread for the mean time can we guys?

I really feel for the kids, first their mum and possibly their dad... My prayers go out to their family.,27574,25092253-2,00.html

Sounding more suspicious.

FORMER State of Origin rugby league great Dale Shearer was last night fighting for his life in hospital after losing control of his Porsche while allegedly speeding away from police.

Just a year after losing his wife Delyse to cancer, the 43-year-old father of two was heading back to his home after celebrating a friend's 49th birthday at Noosaville, on Queensland's Sunshine Coast.

As he drove along the Sunshine Motorway in his silver Porsche 4WD about 11pm (AEST), Shearer spotted a police car travelling in the opposite direction and allegedly accelerated to about 160km/h.

"When he's seen the police vehicle, he's accelerated away," Senior Constable David Lonergan of the Sunshine Coast Forensic Crash Unit said. "He was definitely exceeding the speed limit."
Wonder if alcohol was a factor? Must have had some reason to run from the cops. Either way, I hope he pulls through
It was 10 days after the anniversary of the death of his wife. Who knows how he is dealing with his grief etc. Who cares if Alcohol or speed was a factor, no-one else was hurt...I just hope he recovers for his boys.

One of QLD's favourite sons. It sucks to see people go through this tough stuff.
It does sound a little bit suspicious but whether alcohol was a factor or whatever else hopefully he pulls through and then they can take it from there.
Absolutely! I hope he pulls through. I just hope there's no lingering aftershocks, be they health wise or legal.
Who's accusing? Just posting what's in the news and it sounds fishy. We're all hoping he pulls through for the sake of his children.
Hopefully all goes well and he pulls through, his children couldn't possible cope with losing both parents in a year.
May god help him come through this better than before.
I said reports suggest negligent speeding, I didn't say it WAS negligent speeding. Stop being so sensitive. I appreciate you're close to the Shearers but it's no different to how numerous similar topics are discussed here.

FYI, Shearer was my nephew's footy coach last year so it's hit me close to home too!
Webcke said:
Guys chill with all the acusations, no one knows the story...

To be fair, the car doesn't look like the impact happened at 60km/hr.

Sad story for all involved, especially his kids. But there are strong reports of negligent driving behaviour and as such I'll at this stage feel sympathy for the family, and not for the man.