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  1. Playboy Bunny

    Ennis/Hannant as dogs

    It thought the other way around. Im so used to seeing Ennis is gold and maroon....
  2. Playboy Bunny

    Crowe to walk away from Souths?

    In your dreams
  3. Playboy Bunny

    Crowe to walk away from Souths?

    Oh ok coz before you said 'too' which means 'as well' which implies that someone else was walking away from Souths.......
  4. Playboy Bunny

    Crowe to walk away from Souths?

    No-one is walking away from Souths....???
  5. Playboy Bunny

    Craig Wing pulls a Sonny Bill?

    hahaha ahhh dear....guys...i think they took gullible out of the dictionary.
  6. Playboy Bunny

    Crowe to walk away from Souths?

    I can't be bothered reading everyones replies but all I can say is its a membership stunt. Thats alllll it is. I know family...and friends from footy never expected Rusty to keep putting money into the club. Anyone who thinks that is stupid...honestly stupid. He has done a lot for...
  7. Playboy Bunny

    SYDNEY Oztag Rd 7

    hahaha congrats on your winning birth.
  8. Playboy Bunny

    Sydney Oztag Round 6 1/12/08

    C'mon guys. Surely you can pull a win together :P
  9. Playboy Bunny

    WC trophy missing

    Imagine pulling that out at the next BBQ to drink out of. haha
  10. Playboy Bunny

    No Oztag for Sydney side Mon 10/11

    Haha hitman thats just going too far :P we all know once you're married you don't get any hahaha
  11. Playboy Bunny

    Melbouorne Cup Thread (2008)

    Re: Melbouorne Cup Thread I didn't win anything....coz I didn't bet lol
  12. Playboy Bunny

    Titans' $3m offer to Storm captain

    Well too bad. You can't have him.
  13. Playboy Bunny

    Beer rip off at AFL games at the MCG

    Exactly. I dunno how many times I have worn beer down the back (totally disgusting) or seen people stumbling down the stairs trying to find their seat while losing half of the contents. Good entertainment though [icon_lol1.
  14. Playboy Bunny

    Beer rip off at AFL games at the MCG

    Scott showed me this earlier so I thought I would post this up. What do you guys think? Is 6ml's that much to cry over? ... 61,00.html
  15. Playboy Bunny

    The LOLZcopter kown as NRL

    Yeh its all about money. They are closing/closed Campbelltown stadium at the moment for renovations. Seems like a bit of a waste of they aren't gonna play many games there.
  16. Playboy Bunny

    Should Kelsey be the Sydney Oztag 12th squad member

    Dara the girls pash at the end coz everyone knows girls kiss better so why bother with the men?? lol
  17. Playboy Bunny

    Beardface is no more.... RIP

    geeze he looks so much better without the hair....
  18. Playboy Bunny

    NRL okays Titans betting agency

    I'll take a cut of 4 billion thanks....even 1 million would do me...ok make that 2 mil
  19. Playboy Bunny

    Sharks v Storm - Pre/post game thread

    I think he definately should have got something for it. I know at the beginning it wasn't an elbow straight to the face etc but as he was going down in the tackle...what a little grub!!! I hate how around finals time majority of the rules that apply to club games tend to go out the window.

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