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  1. Playboy Bunny

    Closet Fans

    LOL [icon_lol1.
  2. Playboy Bunny

    Closet Fans

    I don't think thats in the closet :p
  3. Playboy Bunny

    Closet Fans

    Nashy - Rocky Rocky - Nashy
  4. Playboy Bunny

    NSW is gayer than 10 gay men and The Rock is their messiah!!

    well you haven't lived in NSW for that other percentage so therefore you are fine are allowed to support QLD lol
  5. Playboy Bunny

    NSW is gayer than 10 gay men and The Rock is their messiah!!

    Ahhh ok I thought it was totally illegal unless the mothers/babies life were at risk. Well there we go... You still can't have pet rabbits....Booo [icon_lol1.
  6. Playboy Bunny


    Nashy you were going to do that regardeless of if you opened the thread or not lol
  7. Playboy Bunny

    NSW is gayer than 10 gay men and The Rock is their messiah!!

    Isn't it illegal to have abortions in QLD?? I know you can't own rabbits...but those two things are unrelated lol
  8. Playboy Bunny

    NSW is gayer than 10 gay men and The Rock is their messiah!!

    The only reason there is more people to choose from in Qld is because abortions are illegal.... too far....?? I think not....
  9. Playboy Bunny


    I think there is too much bromance between pricey and petro.
  10. Playboy Bunny

    Gallen ruled out of opener in Melbourne

    If Kite was anywhere near Bellvue Hill yesterday you may have been right!! For those not knowing what I am talking about... ... 41,00.html [icon_lol1.
  11. Playboy Bunny

    NSW Team...

    I thought they were meant to be announcing this at half time of the footy tonight?? *edit* Just read the article posted. lol I got it from the telecrap site.
  12. Playboy Bunny

    NSW Team...

    The team is: Kurt Gidley, James McManus, Jamie Lyon, Michael Jennings, Jarryd Hayne, Terry Campese, Peter Wallace, Brent Kite, Robbie Farah, Luke Bailey, Paul Gallen, Luke O’Donnell, Glenn Stewart. Interchange: Craig Wing, Justin Poore, Michael Weyman, Ben Creagh Of course depending on...
  13. Playboy Bunny

    Panthers Vs. Roosters *SPOILER*

    I do think that team does have a few players who do have attitude problems as well. There is no reason the roosters should be playing like they are with the team that they have.
  14. Playboy Bunny

    Panthers Vs. Roosters *SPOILER*

    Don't wink at me....or Scottt.....
  15. Playboy Bunny

    Panthers Vs. Roosters *SPOILER*

    I'm happy as long as the roosters are losing... :)
  16. Playboy Bunny

    Eels Vs. Souths *SPOILER*

    Totally ripped off.....
  17. Playboy Bunny

    Positive drugs test

    it's ok...he's just a keyboard warrior [icon_wink
  18. Playboy Bunny

    Positive drugs test

    shadow boxing........apparently...... [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.
  19. Playboy Bunny

    Positive drugs test

    It must have been a pretty bad accident because she looks worse for wear in the pic.

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