2008 SELECT NRL Champion Collector Cards...



State of Origin Rep
Mar 4, 2008
OK who has bought the Black Album from the News agents for 20 bucks.


Man I feel 10 again, collecting cards and sticking them in the album trying not to damage them.

So anyone else doing this.

So far I have a few cards so far.

Common Cards:
Checklist #2 Card
Phil Graham
Troy Thompson
Lincoln Withers
Brett Kearney
Luke Douglas
Scot Prince
Nathan Friend
Luke Swain
Brett Stewart
Steve Matai
Israel Folau
Adam McDougall
Mitchell Sargent
Zeb Taia
Carl Webb
Nathan Cayless
Nathan Hindmarsh
Luke Priddis
Trent Waterhouse
Matt Cooper
Brett Morris
David Kidwell
Jerome Ropati

Holographic Cards:
Ben Pomeroy
Brett Seymour
Greg Bird
Antonio Kaufusi

Foiled Signature Cards:
Feleti Mateo

Sketch Cards:
Alan Tongue


State of Origin Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Woohoo had day off today, got up went to shops to get more brain numbing drugs( ok no jokes I know its numb enough).

Stopped by Newsagent got a couple of packets and got my first GEM card. Luke Priddis on the card, not bad, looked on ebay and WOW there going for 10-15 bucks. The cards are a light green see through color.

Anyone else into this sort of stuff? I know a friend of ours Mel is but have no idea if she part of the new forum?

Anyway I'm excited :mrgreen:

Also scored ...

Holographic Cards:
Mark Riddell
Rangi Chase
Krisnan Inu
Jamie Soward

Foiled Signature Card:
Ben Creagh

Common Cards:
Jarrod Mullen
Anthony Watmough
David Faiumu
Frank Puletua
Fetuli Talanoa
Anthony Tupou
Glenn Stewart
Jason King
Ben Ross
Alan Tongue
Darren Lockyer
Dean Collis
Amos Roberts
Liam Fulton
Luke Patten
Brett Kimmorley
Mat Rogers
Cooper Cronk
Terence Seu Seu
Eric Grothe
Ben Creagh
Feleti Mateo
Cooper Vana
Matt Geyer
Mark Minichiello
Greg Bird


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I did the 2003-2006 series mate, totally skipped on last year.

Me, I'm a cheat - I used to just buy the album with a box of cards - guarantees you all of the "normals" and a few of the more special ones too.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Yeah I'm torn between buying a complete set lik you did or just a few packs here and there.

Hmmm i think i'll do the here and there approach. More fun, then when they wind down I'll hit ebay and and complete the set,


BRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
Tee, I've been doing the cards for awhile, but have found it easier and a shit load cheaper to get what I
want from ebay or card trader.
The book you got, is it the normal card one? or this year you can get abook in the club you follow,
it is very nice, its black with logo on the front in gold.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Its the normal on, black with NRL 2008 Champions on the cover and a green dude. I saw the club ones, where do you get other than ebay?


BRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
You can get the card traders names off ebay, go into their sites and buy direct.
Laurie got me a box last year, and I ended up with every team, I only want the Broncs
so now I go direct, so much cheaper, you can get the normal 08 cards for around $5.00
the foil series for under $20 and the special ones for under $15.00.
After getting them signed, I would frame them up, so now I'll just put them in their
own book. All good

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