2015 Jersey Discussion thread

The warriors have the best designers around by far. I've almost bought a few warriors jerseys despite not supporting them haha.

I mean, look how awesome these look, then look at any of ours for the last 10 years:



Their jerseys have way too much going on and they change constantly.

Every single clubs changes their jersey constantly, not just warriors. Warriors just happen to have a few more special release ones etc
FFS Nike! We could have had the kool-aid man on our jersey!
The most sold jerseys around the world are the most plain jerseys you'll ever see. Manchester, arsenal, lakers, bulls, heat etc. are all way more boring that anything we've ever put out.
The most sold jerseys around the world are the most plain jerseys you'll ever see. Manchester, arsenal, lakers, bulls, heat etc. are all way more boring that anything we've ever put out.
Doesn't mean theyre not plain and boring. Sales != good jersey.

I don't wear sales, I wear jerseys. I don't wear plain boring looking jerseys, so I won't be wearing this one, and they wont get my sale.

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Doesn't mean theyre not plain and boring. Sales != good jersey.

I don't wear sales, I wear jerseys. I don't wear plain boring looking jerseys, so I won't be wearing this one, and they wont get my sale.


Definitely didn't take you as a fashion aficionado. I'm sure the Broncos won't mind missing out on your sale though. I hear they're pretty successful and have a bit of money. #insideknowledge
Doesn't mean theyre not plain and boring. Sales != good jersey.

I don't wear sales, I wear jerseys. I don't wear plain boring looking jerseys, so I won't be wearing this one, and they wont get my sale.


They probably weren't expecting sales from fans of other clubs anyway
oh we're back to the "not a real fan" thing are we? lol

Im not a fashion officionado, but im not wearing something that looks bad.
Everyone has a different taste. I mean, I'm sure someone liked even this jersey:

The most sold jerseys around the world are the most plain jerseys you'll ever see. Manchester, arsenal, lakers, bulls, heat etc. are all way more boring that anything we've ever put out.

Prepared to back that up with statistics? Or is it an opinion?
Prepared to back that up with statistics? Or is it an opinion?

I don't think proof is needed. It is a definite fact that those soccer jerseys and NBA jerseys sell way more than most jerseys (along with a few others).
I don't think proof is needed. It is a definite fact that those soccer jerseys and NBA jerseys sell way more than most jerseys (along with a few others).

It's also fact that their support bases are much larger. So yes, some percentages are needed.
It's also fact that their support bases are much larger. So yes, some percentages are needed.

Its also fact that despite their boring appearance, people are still buying them which was the point I was making.
Its also fact that despite their boring appearance, people are still buying them which was the point I was making.

But they're all American sports. Which as said have massive fan bases. So it's going to make sense that American apparel would sell best in America.

Given those teams don't have special jerseys, I fail to see how your list adds up to anything. They don't have a choice but to buy the 'boring' stuff.