2015 Jersey Discussion thread

NBA jerseys also cant really be anything other than a colour and a logo, so theres that lol. same with NFL jerseys.

and like i said before - sales mean nothing. i dont wear something because it sells well.
It's weird that you guys don't understand. AP said he doesn't want to buy a boring jersey. I said heaps of boring jerseys are sold and warn all around the world. Broncos have a big fan base too and there will be plenty of these "boring" jerseys sold.
It's weird that you guys don't understand. AP said he doesn't want to buy a boring jersey. I said heaps of boring jerseys are sold and warn all around the world. Broncos have a big fan base too and there will be plenty of these "boring" jerseys sold.
im sure they are - doesnt mean that more people wouldnt buy them if they werent boring.

using NFL and NBA jerseys to support your point doesnt work since all NBA and NFL jersey are boring and follow the same pattern/design.
im sure they are - doesnt mean that more people wouldnt buy them if they werent boring.

using NFL and NBA jerseys to support your point doesnt work since all NBA and NFL jersey are boring and follow the same pattern/design.

You're kidding? I can't use the most obvious proof of my point because it's too correct? My point, and I'm not entirely sure why this needs to be pointed out again, is that it doesn't matter what a jersey looks like. If the club is good, people will buy it. Hence why the lakers, bulls and heat sell more jerseys than the mavericks, Portland or Orlando. All of whom have more aesthetically pleasing jerseys than the former.
I honestly wasn't arguing your point. I just wanted you to back up your statement of fact, with the actual facts so I can read them.
It's not hard to figure out that American sports and European Soccer take the cake and eat it too when it comes to jersey sales.

I will only buy a jersey for 2 reasons:
1- It's my team and while a good looking one is a bonus, all I care for is the ability to wear it comfortably and support my team.
2- It's easy to wear (like NBA jerseys), at which point I will pick the most aesthetically pleasing ones, not caring too much about which teams they represent.

If my team brings out an exceptional jersey, there is a good chance I will buy that too, but for my collection, not to wear it regularly.
I think it is hard to compare jersey sales from the other sports on the basis of the player number system. Yes the designs might be plain in a majority of other sports. The big difference in their favour, is the consumer buys for the player. So you want a Bulls jersey, many still get Jordan's #23. Or Ronaldo's #7. ETC. People are funny about what their sporting team says about themselves. As most fans are drawn to say the top 5 teams of a sport.

Our unique designs and alternative designs are the only thing we can really use in our small market to really attract new buyers to get the new jersey. Until we look at the player number system over the position number system, it is frankly all we will have.

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