2024 State of Origin - Game II Discussion

I mean I thought NSW would win comfortably but probably not this comfortably. Best thing for them to get hammered by 50 now. It matters little coming back and losing by 16 now. It's all mindset when the teams are close to begin with. Why there is never whitewashes even when 1 team is so much better. You can't beat a more desperate team and one with that extra little bit of help by man Klein. That was pretty funny. It was so obvious. Meant to make it a bit more believable Ash. I actually like our shifts early haha
The modern game is so fucking shit to watch. 6 agains have ruined the game. Once a team loses momentum, it is near impossible to get it back. Add on top the standard of refereeing and you've got a powder keg of fuckery and just not a very interesting spectacle
Don’t let the questionable reffing distract you from the fact this has been a disgrace from Queensland.
Walsh looks far from the squllion dollar player he’s touted as with some of his positioning.
Tough to come back after 3 weeks off to this arena tho.
Moses been soo damn good for the Blues.
I know my statements are bordering on “conspiracy theory” but can anyone really prove otherwise??
I feel the same way, but logically, when it all boils down to $$, the theory starts to firm to reality, because it is in the interest of many people for it to happen, and honestly, they don't really hide it. They change the rules, they are pushing the marketing, they are saying they want to make the game a product... will they ever straight out say they are manipulating the sport? Nobody would ever expect that these days.
I will say this has to be Payne's best game at this level so far, hasn't really previously made an impact but his been strong tonight.
Playing smart too. Running at the edge, instead of straight down the middle.
The Blues are playing well but it looks like Klein thinks he's reffing one of our games. In fact what's Qld's chances of getting a late tackle count penalty followed by multiple 6 agains. Yep zero.

Watch the whistle go back in the pocket after half time and QLD get a few first tackle 6 agains just as we get over the 70 minute mark with the result beyond doubt.
Result is already beyond doubt... Klown will be giving Qld all the penalties early on in the second half to try and salvage some kind of game out of this shit show
I've never had any trouble streaming any show before, and don't normally watch nine .. but I keep losing the stream dead and I have to go back and restart 😐

I'm about 15 minutes behind the rest of you 😐
try buffsports(dot)me
lol how the hell is this Walsh's fault.

Its not all his fault ( you cant deny he's been poor positionally on some of the tries ) , but he's not a good fullback in terms of defence. I've been saying the same thing even when he was playing out of his skin last year. He's never done the fullback basics anywhere near the level of his attack.
Won't change anything but there was a forward pass from Luai in the Latrine try and Klein was right in line but nothing to see here. Andrew Johns is as NSW as they get and even mentioned it after the try was scored.

Will the commentary team mention what QLD need to do to get back in the game or is only NSW playing. I forgot how shit and biased the 9 commentary team are as I only ever watch games where possible on Kayo.
I feel the same way, but logically, when it all boils down to $$, the theory starts to firm to reality, because it is in the interest of many people for it to happen, and honestly, they don't really hide it. They change the rules, they are pushing the marketing, they are saying they want to make the game a product... will they ever straight out say they are manipulating the sport? Nobody would ever expect that these days.

it works for the WWE. They make millions every year despite the fact it's a bunch of fake melodramatic bullshit.
Broncos better keep this footage in their back pockets when walshes management ask for anything near 1 mill.

Walsh should get nothing more than edwards……but even he is way better.
The only highlight so far is discovering the 9Now Spider-Cam. It's delayed and there aren't any match graphics, but the trade off is that it's a static camera and you don't have to put up with any commentary.

This is a throwback to 2021. The Blues just far too good and everything that can go wrong is for the Maroons. The kicking game has been a major difference, Moses is having a game of a lifetime, while Hunt and DCE look like they've stayed up past their bed times.
Result is already beyond doubt... Klown will be giving Qld all the penalties early on in the second half to try and salvage some kind of game out of this shit show
As I’ve stated minutes into the first half, Primary school students put on better performances that are less obvious.