A thought on membership and NRL v AFL #'s

Don't think kimlo's quite mastered the art of quoting!
omg sorry for that, i must have been either tired or not looking haha, I'll edit that post.
Coxy said:
Don't think kimlo's quite mastered the art of quoting!
[icon_razz1 Well, I'm only new to forum business, haha I'll use the preview button more often to check what im doing icon_thumbs_u
kimlo said:
mick! said:
Nashy said:
kimlo said:
Ah, sorry i had basically bookmarked the broncos part of the forum so i never knew there was other sections in the forum. Sorry about that, thanks for moving to the right place admin.

i think rugby league should use smaller stadiums with a maximum capacity of 30k that way there will be more members because people won't always be assured a seat

That would lose them money. 30k seats at an origin match? That wouldn't work. Plus we would then have stadiums everywhere, not being used.


Along with that, kimlo, maximums of 30k at the stadiums would only worry Brisbane fans. The average Sydney game gets around half of that.

So it'd negatively impact pretty much just on us, and we're the club who needs NO help at all when it comes to crowd figures. Also interesting to note that the following stadiums can't hold 30k:

Gold Coast, Parramatta, Toyota Park, Brookvale Oval, Olympic Park, CUA Stadium (Penrith), EnergyAustralia Stadium, WIN Stadium, OKI Jubilee Stadium, Bruce Stadium, Dairy Farmers Stadium and (I think) Mt Smart Stadium.

That's right, IIRC, Suncorp, the SFS and Telstra Stadium are the only league venues which can hold more than 30k!!

Well, As for Brisbane, gold coast and titans no i wouldn't recommend that they have 30k stadiums, but clubs like the bulldogs for example have a 80k stadium with 15,000 fans in it, what kind of atmosphere is that ? Not really encouraging to go is it, but if the stadium was smaller and more noisier people would much rather go there, 30k wouldn't worry any club really besides the QLD clubs.

That's wasting a world class venue to attempt a theory that probably wouldn't work. It's not atmosphere that draws people to games. Brisbane showed that tonight. 50k people, yet no more noise than a 30k crowd.
Ummmm. atomsphere is everything, why do you think people go to watch an nrl game when its is CLEARLY more easy to see whats going on infront of a tv. People go to sports matches for the atmosphere, going to an 80k stadium with 10k of people in it, well i definitely wouldn't go.