NEWS Alex Glenn: new rules are breaking our balls

Broncos captain Alex Glenn reckons he might have another year in him but the NRL’s new rules are making the game too fast for old legs. The 273 game clubman up until last year barely missed a match. But lately he's been dogged by recurrent injuries. The latest will see him miss the next two matches but he's hopeful of making Round 13 against the Dragons:

“I want to be honest with the club. I don’t want to drag them along if I keep getting injuries. I want to give this year a really good crack. Mentally, I could go on another year. But physically I want to make sure my body is right. I don’t want to be on and off the field. I want to be consistently playing my best footy. If I’m doing that at the end of the year I’ll be keen to go again, but I don’t want to make the call right now while I’m injured."

“To be honest, it’s the speed of the game causing injuries. The demands on your body are so much higher than it was five years ago. You are pushing yourself to new boundaries and you have to back it up the next week. It’s a common denominator why teams are having so many injuries. The speed of the game is so fast now and it’s a contact sport. Sometimes you don’t have long enough to recover before the next game."

“You could say I’m getting older and don’t recover as fast, but the way I see it is the speed of the game, new rules and demands on players are causing injuries. It’s not just old fellas getting injuries, it’s young guys as well across all teams.”


Testimonial: check. Retirement: pending.

“If the game keeps going this way I don’t see many players reaching 300 games. I feel like the 200-game mark will be the 300 mark. It’s a very high demand on your body. These young guys can punch out five-six years really well, but later in your career your body will start taking a toll. The game is enjoyable to watch, but from a player’s point of view it is very hard. You can only keep at that level for so long, in the future we’re going to see more injuries. It will become a young man’s sport. I don’t think we will ever see someone go to 36-37 like Cameron Smith did with the speed of this game. The game has been getting faster over the last 10 years with less interchanges. I don’t see it slowing down.”

“Apart from this injury it has been a good year, considering last year which was terrible. Up until I did my calf, my body was amazing and headspace was good. We’re not winning many games at the moment but the vibe is a lot better than last year. I’m personally in a good state of mind. This wasn’t a big injury, you just have to be cautious with a calf injury. I want to get it right and have no more injuries for the remainder of the year.”

I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Nah, I wouldn't even keep him on minimum wage. Maybe if TPJ departs as has been discussed if we're desperate but otherwise he is very welcome to hang up the boots.


BRL Player
Jul 6, 2011
All I'm hearing from that article is he know's his body won't last another season and he won't be in the plans for next year, thank you for your service Alex, you have served us well for most of your career.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Minimise time defending, momentum = field position - top notch kicking game, defensive pressure or attack them in defence instead of waiting like Dogs, spread the ball more than just on the 4th ... in other words, everything we DON'T fucking do

No, he's pushing his ill-thought-out idea where you take your sweet time with the ball, especially play-the-ball. It won't work, especially in today's game where momentum is key. Well, it will work, it will just be the wrong way. Everything the Storm worked at, slowing down the play, allowing their defensive line to be set before the ball is even played, allowing them to sprint off their line and smash the next runner. He thinks this will somehow be a positive for the attacking team. And he won't let it go, surprise.

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