NEWS Andrew McCullough’s complicated contract a headache for Broncos

He got breathalyzed in the morning and the alcohol from the drinks consumed previous night was still in his system. It is just shit luck, if he made a coffee at home and had a feed there is a good chance he would not have been over.

In the context of things it's not a huge deal, not like he was busted with high range while driving dangerously.

Yeah and I can sympathise to a point, and I know footy players are dumb as ****, but how many more have to get done for drink driving or drugs before they wake up.

Particularly someone in his circumstance of almost no one signing him due his penchant for doing dumb stuff or associating with dodgy types. Call me naive, but it shouldn’t be hard to keep your nose clean (in every sense)

To be clear, I’m not calling for his sacking, but he should be on a very tight leash. He’s playing ⅔ of a season. Shouldn’t be hard. I’m assuming he’d have to go to some form of training today, why is he drinking on a Sunday? And lastly, like others have said, call an Uber or walk to get your coffee. Hell take a train or a bus if you can
One that has to deal with all the crashes caused by drink drivers, hence why it is illegal...

Don't get me wrong, I understand why drink driving is illegal and have no issues with that ... But if you know, why is there a different BAC level depending on if you are on your own licence or on your P's is it purely a diving experience thing

Because alcohol would affect you the same regardless of what licence you hold
Don't get me wrong, I understand why drink driving is illegal and have no issues with that ... But if you know, why is there a different BAC level depending on if you are on your own licence or on your P's is it purely a diving experience thing

Because alcohol would affect you the same regardless of what licence you hold

All good, and I agree. The licence makes no difference to the physical impairment you have, the amount of alcohol does.

It’s a hang up from the days before log books and so forth required to progress from P licences to Open licences. It was presumed P platers being less experienced would be less able to handle a BAC of 0.05%.

Back in the day, you held your P’s for 3 years and progressed automatically to your Open. Now there is much more to going to it, and ever more complicated rules around coming back from licence suspension / disqualification and so forth.

Personally in a weird way, I think that limit sets people up to fail, from a court perspective. There is no scaled level of offending with say, using a handheld mobile phone or with respect to drug driving (Cannabis, Methamphetamine etc).

Yet alcohol concentrations vary from the unofficial 0.02% for P platers to the official 0.05% limit for Open licenced drivers. It leads to a situation where people start to try and work out what their limit might be or where people automatically assume they will be fine, as Segeyaro likely did and end up in court.

To be honest, I think it would be fairer to make one limit for drivers. 0.05% for Open licences and 0.00% for everyone else. All professional drivers now must be 0.00% and there is no apparent misunderstandings of this rule, but the changes between licence classification and limits and so forth I think is confusing and entirely unnecessary.

As it seems 007 could attest, 0.02% or less is such a low level of alcohol present, some reach it with less than 1 light beer being consumed.

To me, make it black and white and come up with some regulatory diversionary scheme for those low levels of alcohol reading. We also are required to issue a licence suspension notice when charging for drink driving. In the first instance obviously to prevent people drink driving again (legally, not physically obviously) but then as a preventative measure to try to have people avoid drink driving in the first instance, which is in place until they attend court.

The diversionary scheme could have the same thing. The low level drink driver had their licence suspended, until they attend and complete the diversionary session. Puts a regulatory penalty on the offender (ie: no licence for a few weeks / month), should help free up courts from having to deal with minor matters and not send otherwise decent people to court.

Under 0.05% the first time, you get a 28 day suspension of your licence and attendance at a diversion scheme. Over 0.05% or 2 or more under 0.05% results and you get to see what all the fuss about Magistrates Courts is about...

Make it nice and simple for everyone.
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I thought the team were on a booze ban?

Or was that just a few players?
I thought the team were on a booze ban?

Or was that just a few players?

I think Lodge is on a self-imposed one. And Haas doesn't drink because of religion? Maybe.

Then a few weeks back TPJ said he would be joining those 2 and not drinking. Think there was a story about it in the paper, might be where you got that idea from.
Under 0.05% the first time, you get a 28 day suspension of your licence and attendance at a diversion scheme. Over 0.05% or 2 or more under 0.05% results and you get to see what all the fuss about Magistrates Courts is about...

Is this for P's or everyone?
I think Lodge is on a self-imposed one. And Haas doesn't drink because of religion? Maybe.

Then a few weeks back TPJ said he would be joining those 2 and not drinking. Think there was a story about it in the paper, might be where you got that idea from.

Yeah that's where I got it from. When Lodge announced he wanted to stay and so did TPJ. There was mention of a booze ban but I'm pretty sure it mentioned the whole team was getting in on it.

Or maybe I just read it wrong.
Is this for P's or everyone?

That would be for P’s under my scheme. But it’s only a proposal, that isn’t law or even policy.

Today, on your P’s, like Segeyaro you get a court appearance and a licence suspension in effect until you go to court...
Yeah that's where I got it from. When Lodge announced he wanted to stay and so did TPJ. There was mention of a booze ban but I'm pretty sure it mentioned the whole team was getting in on it.

Or maybe I just read it wrong.

Pretty sure it’s not the whole team. You seem some of them having a drink on Insta every now and then.
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Even still, I have to concede it's still an unfair statement...given the Storm's cheating. If they weren't rorting then '05-'08 could have seen us with 1 or more extra trophies.

That's a valid point, and Wayne may have stayed on if he had snagged another premiership after 2006 and had a chance to win even more. It's all Melbourne's fault really, but we all knew that!

I hope the club doesn't come down too harshly on Segeyaro. It's an embarrassing mistake for the fella to make considering his history, but blowing slightly over zero 'cause you have a mild hangover shouldn't bother anyone too much. Use it to educate the young fellas who would still be on their Ps about how careful they need to be with alcohol and driving even the next morning.
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I'm all for the club handling it in house with no penalty and a good talking to with a last warning/chance attached.
I can see the conversation now:

Segy: But lots of people were taking a sip of wine at communion.
Seibs: Lots of *****.
Seibs: Alcohol is bad, m'kay?
Segy: Alcohol is bad.
I can see the conversation now:

Segy: But lots of people were taking a sip of wine at communion.
Seibs: Lots of *****.
Seibs: Alcohol is bad, m'kay?
Segy: Alcohol is bad.
Ah, GOT.
They usually worried the **** out of me though

In the warriors game, he had one kick from 30 or 40m out, under pressure, and I was thinking to myself, lol niko, thanks for the 7 tackle minute, it sits up in goal and leaves me wondering why every ex bronco rubs it in our face as if they could do it the whole time.