It's truly amazing how quickly we can turn on our own around here! Milford is without doubt, one of the most electric and exciting you players in the game. 15 other clubs would take him tomorrow, and after a few bad games, some around here are ready to lynch him and send him packing!
Remember that the Thurston you see today is vastly different to the Thurston you saw 10 years ago. Halves, particularly, need time. Time to hone the finer skills and learn the art of closing out games etc. I remember JT having some absolute stinkers in his earlier years, but perseverance and commitment has made him the player he is today. Much like Lockyer as well.
Give Milf some time. Coaches and people in much higher positions than us with a much more intimate knowledge of what goes on day to day at the club, have faith in him, the least we can do as fans is to offer him the same support!