Australian Woman Lovers XIII


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
Interesting to think back over the years of the Test quality players who have either confirmed or rumoured to have been involved in some unsavoury female-related incidents.

1. Brett Stewart - 17yos FTW...but 'sall good, I is diabetic
2. Anthony Minichiello - hey Gaz, can you chat up this chick for me? I'm a bit toey.
3. Mark Gasnier - Toey Human w/ Sauce
4. Darius Boyd - see Hunt
5. Wendell Sailor - o hai, I'm a Sth African exchange student, can I get a discount blowjob? O, hai Officer.
6. Greg Inglis - say no more
7. Craig Gower - yer daughter is teh hawt
8. Willie Mason - I <3 Coffs Harbour
9. Greg Bird - nah, wasn't me, it was my flat mate...
10. Sam Thaiday - see Hunt and Boyd
11. Anthony Watmough - o hai ms sponsor's daughter, you should see what I did to my missus a couple years back...yew!
12. Anthony Laffranchi - thanks for the orgasm
13. Karmichael Hunt - Alhambra FTW
I'd be able to come up with a 30-man squad I reckon. Start by including the 13 above. All of them were alcohol related (except maybe Inglis and Bird).
Coxy said:
All of them were alcohol related (except maybe Inglis and Bird).

Did Bird glass his Mrs with a full schooner? I've just lost all respect if that's the case
Don't forget Anthony Watmaugh abused his partner horrifically and was found guilty in 2007. People seem to forget this. Manly would like us to forget.
He, Todd Carney, Jake Friend and Brett Seymour are in the development squad.
Didn't Tevita Latu hook some bird in a petrol station? Such a pity too... was a very promising player.
mrslong said:
Don't forget Anthony Watmaugh abused his partner horrifically and was found guilty in 2007. People seem to forget this. Manly would like us to forget.

Slammed a sliding glass door on his girlfriend repeatedly I believe.
Should replace Tilse with Mason there - unfair to target Mason with that scandal imo! ><

Can't recall the Sailor one at all - must have been yearsssssssss ago?
lockyer47 said:
Should replace Tilse with Mason there - unfair to target Mason with that scandal imo! ><

good to see we learnt from our most recent brush with a defamation case [icon_lol1. :D