Battle for the Wooden Spoon

It's been a bleak season with injuries and Boyd being so out of form he's now a shadow of his shadow.
Looking forward to Coates debut at least.
Warriors winning last night hasn’t helped us if we don’t win today with the cows having a bye we will be outright 14th.
Yes. It’s the old glass half full/empty.
We are four points from sixteenth and four points from seventh.
I've learned to be a glass half full supporter so I still have hope.
Not for reaching the finals but finishing off with a full sail towards a much improved and uninterrupted pre-season and start for 2020.
We can still win it !!!! Well, it's possible at least. To be honest ,I don't mind the look of this weeks team . Everyone will be trying and yes that includes Boyd who I reckon will be trying the hardest of all. What a result it would be, hey?🙏
We can still win it !!!! Well, it's possible at least. To be honest ,I don't mind the look of this weeks team . Everyone will be trying and yes that includes Boyd who I reckon will be trying the hardest of all. What a result it would be, hey?🙏
Can’t agree more. Feels more like the battle of Thermopyles and the 300. But the good guys got the result there so why can’t we. Depends how Boyd’s busted body holds up but yes expecting him to have a real go. Excited!
The Emoji code is literally “pray”.
It's certainly a matter of contention on the net, whether it's a pray or high-five emoji.
I never use it, just in case it gets misinterpreted...

However, @Huge confirmed he used it as a pray icon, so I guess he's no longer a heathen in your eyes.
Oh, is it? I was going for a prayer, to the footy gods! Yes, they totally are a thing.
Don't listen to Port, he's committing a sin by lying.

In truth though the Internet has never decided if that is a hi5 or a prayer emoji. It shall forever remain a mystery to us mere mortals what the true meaning is.