Bird denied visa


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
1,886,,25 ... 47,00.html

CONTROVERSIAL rugby league star Greg Bird has been denied a UK work visa to play for English club Bradford Bulls.

The news follows the recent rejection of visas by the British High Commission to fellow former NRL players Michael Crocker and Todd Carney. Both Crocker and Carney had previous convictions.

Suck shit you absolute waste of oxygen! May you never play professional sport again you dirty mother fucker.

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Wow - this new UK visa policy combined with the NRL's latest "you sack em - we ban em" rule is gonna really pull some heads in I recon. The age of the above the law footy star may be well and truly over... you F#@% up these days and you will feel the consequences.

I actually wonder whether this will have even more long term positive effects on the code. It only takes one high profile wild boy to make best buddy's with 3 junours set a bad example and all of a sudden you've got 4 troublemakers. Remove one Bird / Carney etc from the top and all of a sudden your general club culture surely must improve.
No one's shocked. It now official, so it's officially funny.
I applaud the decision. Even though he hasn't been found guilty of anything the fact he lied and tried to get a mate to take the blame tells me he has something to hide. He's scum as far as I'm concerned.

And shame on Bradford for trying to pinch him. He's a solid player but how would the fan base feel supporting a player who hits women?
Playboy Bunny said:
To be honest I cant see why anyone is shocked?? It was pretty obvious.

To us, but until recently unless you'd been charged and convicted of a serious offence it didn't seem to prejudice you from getting a working visa.

However, with international security and financial/unemployment issues, clearly the Poms are tightening things up on foreigners coming in. And rightly so!
Wouldn't he still need a UK working visa to play in the UK.
He'd probably only need a visitors permit since he would only be there about 2 days at a time.
GREG BIRD may be able to play only home games for French club Catalans Dragons after the UK Border Agency revealed it would be left to individual immigration officers at English airports to decide whether he could enter the country each time he arrived for an away fixture. ... 89784.html

Too bad if he gets an immigration officer who is a massive fan of whichever team they are playing that week.