COMBAT Boxing / MMA Thread

I want nothing more in life than for Gallen to go to sleep. Please Mark, do it for all of Australia.
Gallen wins on decision. Pretty much how I thought it would go. If Hunt couldn't knock him out Gallen would just out work him.
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All came down to fitness, which usually triumphs over power in these situations.

I hate "ifs", but if Hunt had been a few years younger or even just fresh off another fight I daresay we would finally have the elusive Gallen KO we've all been waiting for.

At this stage the only fight I'd be interested in seeing him take on would be SBW, as messy as that would be.
A lot of sad people in Australia right about now 😩 I want my promised Gallen KO
He’s a tough bugger

I think it was in the second round Hunt had him in all sorts of trouble but for some reason he just didn't go in for the kill. Its like he wanted to toy with him.
Gallen wants Rob Whitaker next... boxing has become such a joke.